1 4 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Preset Type: noun Pronunciation: /pre-set/ What does Preset mean? A combination of settings set in advance to create a certain sound. Preset is a combination of settings set in advance to create a certain sound. A preset usually comes with a synth and is a combination of settings that can be loaded to recreate a […]


Presto Type: adverb Pronunciation: /pres-toe/ Opposite: Largo What does Presto mean? Fast Tempo or Quickly; to play or be playing an instrument very fast or at a quick tempo. Presto is to play or be playing an instrument very fast or at a quick tempo. Example sentence: “I want to hear the beginning of the […]

Prima Donna

Prima Donna Type: noun Pronunciation: /pre-mah-don-ah/ Also spelled or known as: Prima-Donna What does Prima Donna mean? The leading female singer in an opera company. A Prima Donna is the leading female singer in an opera company. Example sentence: “My daughter wants to be a prima donna.”


Principal Type: noun Pronunciation: /prin-cee-pal/ What does Principal mean? The best player in a section of the orchestra. The principal is the best player in a section of the orchestra. Examples of a principal would be a principal pianist, a principal violinist, or a principal flutist. Principal synonyms: Virtuoso Example sentence: “The principal violinist is […]

Pro Tools

Pro Tools Type: noun, DAW Pronunciation: /pro-tools/ Also spelled or known as: Pro-Tools, ProTool What does Pro Tools mean? A popular DAW created by Avid. Pro Tools is very popular among audio engineers and mixing professionals. Other DAWS: Logic Pro, Ableton Live (Ableton), GarageBand, Bitwig Studio, FL Studio, Cubase/Nuendo, Reaper, Audacity Example sentence: “A lot […]


Processor Type: noun Pronunciation: /pro-cess-err/ Plural: Processors What does Processor mean? A device designed to manipulate an audio signal by changing its dynamics or frequency content. A Processor is a device designed to manipulate an audio signal by changing its dynamics or frequency content. Examples of processors include compressors, gates and equalizers. Example sentence: “I […]


Producer Type: noun Pronunciation: /pro-due-serr/ Related: Record Producer, Audio Producer, Sound Producer, Song Producer Plural: Producers What does Producer mean? Someone who engages in music production. A producer is someone who someone who engages in music production. A producer can be used to refer to someone who is in charge of the entire music creation […]


Program Type: noun Pronunciation: /pro-gram/ What does Program mean? 1. A Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) or Software. 2. A setting on a synth that can be changed to recall a patch/preset. Program synonyms: DAW A program is known as a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) or a recording software. A program can also mean a setting […]

Program Music

Program Music Type: noun Pronunciation: /pro-gram-mew-sik/ Also spelled or known as: Program-Music What does Program Music mean? Any piece of instrumental music based on a book or story. Program Music is any piece of instrumental music based on a book or story. Program Music synonyms: Soundtrack Example sentence: “The director loves the program music.”

Public Domain

Public Domain Type: noun Pronunciation: /pub-lik-doh-main/ Also spelled or known as: Public-Domain What does Public Domain mean? Works that are available to the public and not subject to copyright. Public Domain works are available to the public and are not subject to copyright. Example sentence: “The design is in the public domain.”

Publishing Agreement

Publishing Agreement Type: noun Pronunciation: /pub-leesh-in-ag-ree-ment/ Also spelled or known as: Exclusive Publishing Agreement What does Publishing Agreement mean? A written agreement allowing a music publisher to publish some or all of a songwriter’s or composer’s work for a certain period of time. A Publishing Agreement (also known as an “Exclusive Publishing Agreement”) is a […]


PWM Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /p-w-m/ Also spelled or known as: P-W-M, P.W.M Related: Pulse Width Modulation What does PWM mean? Pulse Width Modulation. PWM stands for Pulse Width Modulation. A synthesis process that changes a square wave into a pulse wave by adding silence in the wave cycle, which thins out the square wave. […]


Q Type: noun Pronunciation: /kew/ Also spelled or known as: Q Factor, Q-Factor, Quality Factor What does Q mean? 1. Quality Factor. 2. The width of a curve in a parametric EQ. Q synonyms: Q Factor, Quality Factor

Q Factor

Q Factor Type: noun Pronunciation: /kew-fak-tor Also spelled or known as: Q Factor, Q-Factor, Quality Factor What does Q Factor mean? 1. The ratio of the frequency width to the central frequency. 2. The width of a curve in a parametric EQ. Q Factor (also known as “Q”) stands for Quality Factor, the ratio of […]

Quality Factor

Quality Factor Type: noun Pronunciation: /kwa-lee-tee-fak-tor/ Also spelled or known as: Q Factor, Q-Factor, Quality-Factor What does Quality Factor mean? 1. The ratio of the frequency width to the central frequency. 2. The width of a curve in a parametric EQ. Quality Factor (also known as “Q”) stands for Quality Factor, the ratio of the […]

Quantization Noise

Quantization Noise Type: noun, noise Pronunciation: /quan-ti-za-tion-noise/ Also spelled or known as: Quantization-Noise, Quantizationnoise What does Quantization Noise mean? A noise created by quantization error. Quantization Noise is a type of noise created by quantization error in the ADC. Other Noises: White Noise, Brown Noise, Pink Noise


Quantize Type: noun, processing Pronunciation: /kwan-ties/ Related: Quantizer What does Quantize mean? The process of taking MIDI/audio and putting it “on grid” and on time. Quantize is the process of taking MIDI/audio and shifting it so it’s ‘on the grid’ and on time. This is very helpful when MIDI or audio has been recorded with improper timing. Example sentence: “Can you help me quantize the drums?”

Quarter Note

Quarter Note Type: noun, music notation Pronunciation: /kor-ter-note/ Also spelled or known as: Quarter-Note, QuarterNote What does Quarter Note mean? A note that in 4/4 time is worth 1 beat or 1/4 of a whole note. A Quarter Note (used in music notation) is a note that in 4/4 time is worth 1 beat or […]


Quartet Type: noun Pronunciation: /kor-tet/ What does Quartet mean? A piece of music written for four instruments or voices. A Quartet is a piece of music written for four instruments or voices, a quartet has four musicians playing it. Example sentence: “The ensemble perfectly played the quartet.”


Quintet Type: noun Pronunciation: /kwin-tet/ What does Quintet mean? A piece of music written for five instruments or voices. A quintet is a piece of music written for five instruments or voices, a quintet has five musicians playing it. Example sentence: “Let’s end the show with a quintet.”


Radio Type: noun Pronunciation: /rae-dio/ Related: Radio Edit What does Radio mean? A platform for broadcasting music to the public. Radio is a platform for broadcasting music to the public by sending out signals from a transmitter. Radio Stations usually work in a recording studio or live concert setting. Example sentence: “We  heard your new song […]

Radio Edit

Radio Edit Type: noun Pronunciation: /rae-dio-ed-it/ Also spelled or known as: Radio-Edit Related: Radio What does Radio Edit mean? A clean version of a song for radio. A radio edit is an edited version of a song that is more friendly for radio. Explicit lyrics are removed from radio edits. Example sentence: “We just sent […]


RAM Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /rahm/ or /r-a-m/ Also spelled or known as: R.A.M, R-A-M What does RAM mean? Random Access Memory (Computer Memory). RAM (Random Access Memory) is a fast but short-term memory for your computer’s CPU. More RAM improves computer speed significantly. Example sentence: “I’m going to need more RAM for my computer.”

Rap Dictionary

Rap Dictionary Type: noun Pronunciation: /rap-dict-tion-aree/ Also spelled: Rap-Dictionary, RapDictionary What is Rap Dictionary? A dictionary book and app for understanding terms used in Rap/Hip-Hop music. Website: RapDictionary.com Parent company: DailyRapFacts LLC More apps by DailyRapFacts: RHYMEBOOK, Rap Trivia Example sentence: “If you don’t know what it means just download the Rap Dictionary app.”

Rap Trivia

Rap Trivia Type: noun Pronunciation: /rap-tree-via/ Also spelled: Rap-Trivia, RapTrivia What is Rap Trivia? A Rap/Hip-Hop Trivia card game and app. Website: RapTrivia.com Parent company: DailyRapFacts LLC More apps by DailyRapFacts: RHYMEBOOK, Rap Dictionary Example sentence: “He beat me in Rap Trivia, I was surprised.”


Rapido Type: adjective Pronunciation: /rap-e-doe/ What does Rapido mean? Fast or quickly. Rapido means fast or quick. Example sentence: “Can you please sing it rapido?”


Ratio Type: noun Pronunciation: /rae-tio/ What does Ratio mean? A control on a compressor determining how much the gain will be reduced after the audio hits the threshold. Ratio is a control on a compressor determining how much the gain will be reduced after the audio hits the threshold. I.E. if a signal surpasses the […]


RCA Type: noun, equipment Pronunciation: /R-C-A/ Also spelled or known as: R-C-A What does RCA mean? A standard connector with a white left connector and red right connector. RCA is a standard connector with a white left connector and red right connector. RCA is on most stereo systems and plugs into a photo socket.

Record Player

Record Player Type: noun, equipment, device Pronunciation: /rek-ord-play-err/ Plural: Record Players What does Record Player mean?A device with a turntable to play back vinyl records. A record player is a device with a turntable to play back vinyl records. Record Player synonyms: Turntable Example sentence: “I just got this record player from my grandma.”

Record Producer

Record Producer Type: noun Pronunciation: /rek-ord-pro-due-serr/ Related: Producer What does Record Producer mean? Someone who engages in music production. A Record Producer is someone who engages in music production. A producer can be used to refer to someone who is in charge of the entire music creation process and more. The Record Producer can also […]

Recording Artist

Recording Artist Type: noun Pronunciation: /re-kord-in-art-ist/ Related: Artist, Recording Musician Plural: Recording Artists What does Recording Artist mean? Someone who creates music in a studio setting and releases it. A Recording Artist is someone who creates music in a studio setting and releases it. An artist can be a musician, rapper, songwriter, vocalist, or more. Recording Artist synonyms: Artist, […]

Recording Studio

Recording Studio Type: noun Pronunciation: /ree-kord-in-stu-deo/ Plural: Recording Studios Also spelled or known as: Recording-Studio Related: Stu, Studeur, The Stu, Studio Time, Recording Studio What does Recording Studio mean? A specially designed space for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything related to audio. A studio is a specially designed space for audio […]

Recording Studios

Recording Studios Type: noun Pronunciation: /ree-kord-in-stu-dios/ Singular: Recording Studio Related: Studeur, The Stu, Studio Time, Recording Studio What does Recording Studios mean? Specially designed spaces for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything related to audio. Recording studios are specialized spaces for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything related to audio. Most professional recording […]


Reference Type: noun Pronunciation: /ref-rens/ Related: Reference Track Plural: References What does Reference mean? A track that is used as a reference point for a new recording. A Reference (also known as “Reference Track“) is a track that is used as a reference point for a new recording. A reference track can help with structure, […]

Reference Track

Reference Track Type: noun Pronunciation: /ref-rens-trak/ Also spelled or known as: Reference-Track, ReferenceTrack Related: Reference Plural: Reference Tracks What does Reference Track mean? A track that is used as a reference point for a new recording. A Reference Track (also known as “Reference“) is a track that is used as a reference point for a […]


Release Type: noun, verb Pronunciation: /re-lease/ Related: A.D.S.R., ADSR, Attack, Sustain, Decay What does Release mean? 1. How long it takes a sound to fade to silence. 2. An album or song available for sale or distribution. 3. To make an album or song available. Release is the final state of the ADSR envelope. It […]


Reprise Type: noun Pronunciation: /re-prise/ What does Reprise mean? The repetition of a phrase or verse. Reprise is the repetition of a phrase or verse. Example sentence: “I like the reprise you recorded.”


Resampling Type: noun, verb Pronunciation: /re-samp-ling/ Also spelled or known as: Re-Sampling Related: Resample, Sampling, Sample What does Resampling mean? The process of sampling your own work and sounds. Resampling is process of sampling your own work and sounds for more processing and use again. Resampling synonyms: Reworking Example sentence: “I’m resampling our hit single.” […]


Reso Type: noun Pronunciation: /rae-so/ Related: Reso What does Reso mean? 1. Loud, clear, & deep sound. 2. A control on a filter determining the level of accentuation on the current cutoff filter. Reso is 1. Loud, clear, & deep sound. 2. A control on a filter determining the level of accentuation on the current […]


Resonance Type: noun Pronunciation: /reh-so-nance/ Related: Reso What does Resonance mean? 1. Loud, clear, and deep sound. 2. A control on a filter determining the level of accentuation on the current cutoff filter. Resonance is 1. Loud, clear, & deep sound. 2. A control on a filter determining the level of accentuation on the current […]


Return Type: noun Pronunciation: /re-turn/ What does Return mean? A track where other tracks are sent, to be grouped and processed in parallel to the original. Return is a track where other tracks are sent, to be grouped and processed in parallel to the original.


Reverb Type: noun, effect Pronunciation: /re-verb/ Also spelled or known as: Reverberation Related: Reverberation What does Reverb mean? A technique that simulates the natural echo and ambiance of physical space. Reverb synonyms: Reverberation Example sentence: “Can you please add some reverb to my voice.”


Reverberation Type: noun, effect Pronunciation: /re-verb-eh-ray-tion/ Also spelled or known as: Reverb Related: Reverb What does Reverberation mean? A technique that simulates the natural echo and ambiance of physical space. Reverberation (short for and also known as Reverb) is a technique that simulates the natural echo and ambiance of physical space. Reverberation synonyms: Reverb Example […]


RHYMEBOOK Type: noun, company Pronunciation: /rym-book/ Also spelled: RHYME BOOK, RHYME-BOOK What is RHYMEBOOK? A real-time rhyme suggestion songwriting notepad app. Website: RHYMEBOOK.com Parent company: DailyRapFacts LLC More apps by DailyRapFacts: Rap Dictionary, Rap Trivia Example sentence: “I write all my lyrics with the RHYMEBOOK app.”


RIAA (R.I.A.A) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /r-i-dub-ull-a/ Also spelled or known as: R.I.A.A What does RIAA mean? Recording Industry Association of America. RIAA (also known as R.I.A.A.) stands for The Recording Industry Association of America. RIAA certifies recordings of their achievements. Example sentence: “The RIAA has certified the album platinum.”


Riff Type: noun Pronunciation: /riff/ What does Riff mean? A melodic phrase. Riff is a melodic phrase. A musical section of a melody. Example sentence: “I enjoyed that riff you played live.”


RISA Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /r-i-s-a/ Also spelled or known as: R.I.S.A., R-I-S-A What does RISA mean? Recording Industry of South Africa. RISA stands for the Recording Industry of South Africa. South African Performing Rights Organizations: SAMPRA, SAMRO, CAPASSO, RISA Example sentence: “He got an ISRC code from the RISA.”


Rolloff Type: noun Pronunciation: /roll-off/ Also spelled or known as: Roll Off, Roll-Off What does Rolloff mean? A filter’s cutoff. Rolloff is a filter’s cutoff. Example sentence: “It was close to the rolloff was clean.”


Room Type: noun Pronunciation: /room/ What does Room mean? 1. A studio room. 2. A type of reverb sounding like a smaller space. Room has two meanings in music, Room can mean a studio room or a type of reverb sounding like a smaller space. Example sentence: “I’m in room B tomorrow.”


Royalties Type: noun Pronunciation: /ro-yal-tees/ Singular: Royalty What does Royalties mean? Income earned from the sales of the record or song. Royalties are income earned from the sales of the record or song. Example sentence: “The label owes you some royalties.”


Royalty Type: noun Pronunciation: /ro-yal-tee/ Plural: Royalties What does Royalty mean? Income earned from sales of a record (song or album). Royalty is income earned from the sales of a record (song or album). Royalty synonym: Point Example sentence: “He hasn’t received a royalty yet.”


Rumble Type: noun, effect Pronunciation: /rum-bull/ What does Rumble mean? A low frequency effect caused by random frequencies in the low end. Rumble is a low frequency effect caused by random frequencies in the low end. Example sentence: “I used the rumble effect.”


Sample Type: noun Pronunciation: /samp-ull/ Plural: Samples What does Sample mean? A piece of pre-made or pre-existing audio used as a sound in a new composition. A sample is a piece of pre-made or pre-existing audio used as a sound in a new composition. Samples can be any recorded material that is used, repurposed, or […]

Sample Pack

Sample Pack Type: noun Pronunciation: /samp-ull-pack/ Related: Sample, Samples What does Sample Pack mean? A folder of samples and loops grouped together. A Sample pack is a folder of samples and loops grouped together. They usually contain many different samples and different kinds of loops. Sample Pack synonyms: Loop Pack Example sentence: “Did you get […]

Sample Rate

Sample Rate Type: noun Pronunciation: /samp-ull-rate/ Related: Sample, Samples What does Sample Rate mean? How often a signal is encoded into a digital file, represented by the Nyquist Frequency. Sample Rate is how often a signal is encoded into a digital file, represented by the Nyquist Frequency. The standard Sample Rate for music is 44.1kHz, […]


Sampler Type: noun, instrument, device, equipment Pronunciation: /samp-ler/ Related: Sample, Samples, Sampling, Sampled What does Sampler mean? A sampler is an analogue/virtual electronic instrument that can record or load different samples for their processing and playback. A sampler is an analogue/virtual electronic instrument that can record or load lots of different samples for their processing […]


SAMPRA Type: noun, acronym, organization Pronunciation: /sam-prah/ or /s-a-m-p-r-a/ Also spelled or known as: S.A.M.P.R.A., S-A-M-P-R-A What does SAMPRA mean? South African Music Performance Rights Association. SAMPRA stands for the South African Music Performance Rights Association. SAMPRA (South African Music Performance Rights Association) is the organization that handles needletime rights and royalties for South African […]


SAMRO Type: noun, acronym, organization Pronunciation: /sam-ro/ or /s-a-m-r-o/ Also spelled or known as: S.A.M.R.O., S-A-M-R-O What does SAMRO mean? South African Music Rights Organisation. SAMRO stands for South African Music Rights Organisation. SAMRO (South African Music Rights Organisation) deals with performing rights and royalties and handles the collection payment of money owed to South […]


Saturation Type: noun, effect Pronunciation: /sat-chu-rae-tion/ What does Saturation mean? Distortion used in a subtle way to add harmonic content to audio. Saturation is distortion that is used in a subtle way to add harmonic content to audio. Example sentence: “I think some saturation might sound good for that part.”

Scratch Track

Scratch Track Type: noun Pronunciation: /skratch-trak/ Also spelled or known as: Scratch-Track Related: Track What does Scratch Track mean? A demo of sorts, the recording of a single element of a song, for example: the bass line or vocal. A Scratch Track is a demo of sorts, the recording of a single element of a […]

Second Engineer

Second Engineer Type: noun Pronunciation: /sek-kond-en-jin-neer/ Also spelled or known as: Second- Engineer Related: Engineer, Sound Engineer, Audio Engineer, Engineering What does Second Engineer mean? An assistant recording engineer. Second Engineer synonyms: Assistant, Backup Engineer Example sentence: “We have a second engineer if you need.”

Soft Synth

Soft Synth Type: noun Pronunciation: /soft-sinth/ What does Soft Synth mean? A synthesizer that exists inside a computer. Soft Synth is a synthesizer that exists inside a computer, example Serum or Massive. Example sentence: “Did you download that new soft synth?”


Solo Type: noun Pronunciation: /so-low/ What does Solo mean? A control that temporarily silences or turns off all channels besides the selected one. Solo is a control that temporarily silences or turns off all channels besides the selected one. During this process only the soloed sound is heard. Example sentence: “Let’s solo the top vocals […]

Sound Engineering

Sound Engineering Type: noun, verb Pronunciation: /sound-en-jin-neer-ing/ Also spelled or known as: Sound-Engineering Related: Audio Engineering, Recording Engineering, Sound Engineer What does Sound Engineering mean? To be recording, mixing, or mastering audio. Sound Engineering is to be to be recording, mixing, or mastering audio. An audio engineer records, mixes, or masters audio, they usually work in a recording studio […]


Soundbank Type: noun Pronunciation: /baink/ Also spelled or known as: Sound Bank, Sound-Bank What does Soundbank mean? A group of presets that can be loaded onto a synth. A Soundbank (also known as a “Bank”) is a group of presets that can be loaded onto a synth. Soundbank synonyms: Bank Example sentence: “I’ll have to […]


Source Type: noun Pronunciation: /sors/ What does Source mean? The origin of a sound or audio; any place audio or sound originates from. Source synonyms: Sound Source Example sentence: “What is the source for that loop?”


Stanza Type: noun Pronunciation: /stan-zah/ What does Stanza mean? A verse of a song. A stanza is a verse of a song. Stanza synonyms: Verse Example sentence: “I wrote a nice stanza in the stu.”


Stems Type: noun Pronunciation: /stems/ Singular: Stem What does Stems mean? Separate and individual audio tracks rendered from a finished track. Stems are separate and individual audio tracks rendered from a finished track. Stems are usually used for remix or resampling purposes. Stems synonyms: Tracks Example sentence: “The stems should be in your email now.”


Stereo Type: noun Pronunciation: /steh-rio/ Related: Mono What does Stereo mean? 1. A sound that has two source instead of one. Opposite of mono. 2. A music player. Opposite of Stereo: Mono Example sentence: “He’s changed the source to from mono to stereo.”


Stop Type: noun Pronunciation: /stawp/ Related: Transport What does Stop mean? A control that stops or turns off playback. Transport controls: Record, Play, Pause, Stop, Mute, Rewind, Fast-Forward Example sentence: “Just hit the stop button on your right.”


Structure Type: noun Pronunciation: /struk-ture/ What does Structure mean? The way a song is built and arranged, the way sections and instruments are laid out in a track/song. Structure is the way a song is built and arranged, the way sections and instruments are laid out in a track/song. Structure is usually referred to as […]


Stu Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /stuuu/ Also spelled: The Stu What does Stu mean? Studio. Stu synonyms: Lab, The Stu, The Lab Example sentence: “I booked a stu for us to work tonight.”


Studio Type: noun Pronunciation: /stu-deo/ Plural: Studios Also spelled or known as: Stu Related: Studeur, The Stu, Studio Time, Recording Studio What does Studio mean? A specially designed space for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything related to audio. A studio is a specially designed space for audio recording, audio production, mixing […]


Stufinder Type: noun, company, software Pronunciation: /stu-finder/ Also spelled: Stu-Finder, Stu Finder What does Stufinder mean? An app to find & book recording studios. Website: Stufinder.com Founders: Ope Odumakin and Jake Monir Example sentence: “We used Stufinder to book this session.”


Take Type: noun Pronunciation: /taik/ Plural: Takes Related: One Take Jake, One Take Jake What does Take mean? A singular (one) recording of audio. A take is a singular (one) recording of audio. This is why people say “recorded in one take” during a recording session. A lot of music is recorded in multiple takes. […]

Tape Deck

Tape Deck Type: noun, device Pronunciation: /tayp-dek/ Also spelled or known as: Tape-Deck Plural: Tape Decks What does Tape Deck mean? An analog audio recording device that records audio by encoding electrical audio signals onto magnetic tape and plays it back. A tape deck is an analog audio recording device that records audio by encoding […]


Tempo Type: noun Pronunciation: /tem-po/ Related: BPM What does Tempo mean? The rate of speed of a sound or musical piece. Tempo is measured in BPM (Beats Per Minute). Tempo synonyms: BPM, Beats Per Minute Example sentence: “Slow down the tempo a bit.”


Tenor Type: noun Pronunciation: /ten-orr/ Related: Countertenor, Baritone, Alto What does Tenor mean? The highest natural adult male singing voice; someone with this singing voice. Tenor is the highest natural adult male singing voice; someone with this singing voice. A tenor is a singing voice between baritone and alto or countertenor. Example sentence: “He is […]

The Lab

The Lab Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /the-lahb/ Also spelled: Lab What does The Lab mean? Studio. The Lab synonyms: Lab, Stu, The Stu, Yo, The Yo Example sentence: “We were in the lab till like 5am.”

The Stu

The Stu Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /the-stuuu/ Also spelled: Stu What does The Stu mean? Studio. The Stu synonyms: Lab, Stu, The Lab, Yo, The Yo Example sentence: “Let’s head to the stu in a bit.”

The Yo

The Yo Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /the-yo/ Also spelled:  Yo What does The Yo mean? Studio. The Yo synonyms: Lab, Stu, The Stu, The Lab, Yo Example sentence: “I like your sound, we need to get in the yo.”


Tone Type: noun Pronunciation: /toen/ Related: Timbre, Room Tone, Pure Tone What does Tone mean? A single frequency. A tone is a single frequency. Tone synonyms: Timbre, Frequency Example sentence: “He sang it in a beautiful tone.”

Tone Generator

Tone Generator Type: noun, device Pronunciation: /tone-gen-e-rate-err/ Also spelled or known as: Tone-Generator Related: Tone What does Tone Generator mean? A device that generates a tone. A Tone Generator is a device that generates a tone at various frequencies, used to align a tape machine, pitch correction purposes or for other testing purposes. Example sentence: […]


Track Type: noun Pronunciation: /trak/ Related: Tracking, Audio Track What does Track mean? 1. A single audio channel. 2. A full song or recorded sound. A track can either mean a singular audio channel in the production process or a a full song or recorded sound. Example sentence: “I love your new track.”


Treble Type: noun Pronunciation: /treb-ull/ Opposite: Bass What does Treble mean? The higher range of audio frequencies above 6kHz. A reference value. Treble are the higher frequencies in a sound – typically above 6kHz. Treble synonyms: High-End, Top End, Highs, Air Example sentence: “I boosted the treble a bit.”


Tuner Type: noun Pronunciation: /toon-err/ Related: Tune What does Tuner mean? A device that listens to audio to measure if it’s in tune. A tuner is a device that listens to audio to measure if it’s in tune. Example sentence: “You can figure it out using the tuner.”

Tuning Fork

Tuning Fork Type: noun, device, equipment Pronunciation: /tune-in-fork/ Also spelled or known as: Tuning-Fork What does Tuning fork mean? A two-pronged metal tool used to make sure an instrument is in tune and has the right pitch. A tuning fork is a two-pronged metal tool used to make sure an instrument is in tune and […]


Turntable Type: noun, equipment, device Pronunciation: /turn-tab-ull/ Plural: Turntables What does Turntable mean? A flat, circular, and revolving surface on a record player on which the record is played back. A turntable is a flat, circular, and revolving surface on a record player on which the record is played back. A popular turntable is the […]


Tweeter Type: noun, equipment Pronunciation: /tweet-err/ What does Tweeter mean? A speaker designed to reproduce high frequencies around 10-20kHz. Tweeter is a speaker designed to reproduce high frequencies around 10-20kHz. The tweeter is typically above the main cone on a pair of studio monitors. Example sentence: “The new tweeter is downstairs.”


Unidirectional Type: noun, adjective Pronunciation: /u-nii-dy-rek-tion-al/ Also spelled or known as: Unidirectional Microphone, Unidirectional Pattern Related: Cardioid What does Unidirectional mean? A type of microphone with a heart-shaped pickup pattern that picks up sounds in front of it, but not behind it. A Unidirectional (also known as “Cardioid”) microphone is a type of microphone with a heart-shaped pickup pattern that picks […]

Unidirectional Microphone

Unidirectional Microphone Type: noun, equipment Pronunciation: /u-nee-dy-rek-tion-al-micro-fone/ Also spelled or known as: Unidirectional, Unidirectional Pattern Related: Cardioid Microphone What does Unidirectional Microphone mean? A type of microphone with a heart-shaped pickup pattern that picks up sounds in front of it, but not behind it. A Unidirectional (also known as “Cardioid”) microphone is a type of […]

Unidirectional Pattern

Unidirectional Pattern Type: noun Pronunciation: /u-nee-dy-rek-tion-al-pat-ern/ Also spelled or known as: Unidirectional Microphone, Unidirectional, Cardioid Pattern, Cardioid Microphone, Cardioid Related: Cardioid Pattern What does Unidirectional Pattern mean? A heart-shaped microphone pickup pattern that picks up sounds in front of it, but not behind it. A Unidirectional pattern (also known as “Cardioid Pattern”) is a heart-shaped […]


USB Type: noun, acronym, equipment Pronunciation: /u-s-b/ Also spelled or known as: U.S.B., U-S-B What does USB mean? Universal Serial Bus. USB stands for Universal Serial Bus. A USB socket on many computers and devices that allow things to be connected to a computer and transfer MIDI information. Example sentence: “I can’t find a USB […]


VBR Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /V-B-R/ Also spelled or known as: V-B-R, V.B.R., V B R What does VBR mean? Variable Bit Rate. VBR stands for Variable Bit Rate. Opposite of CBR (Constant Bit Rate), VBR (Variable Bit Rate) refers to the encoding of an MP3 or lossy audio file bit rate changing with the […]


VCA Type: noun, acronym, device, equipment Pronunciation: /v-c-a/ Also spelled or known as: V-C-A What does VCA mean? Voltage Controlled Amplifier. VCA stands for Voltage Controlled Amplifier. The section on an analogue synth that controls the ADSR envelope and the volume, the gain is affected by an external voltage fed to it.

VCA Compressor

VCA Compressor Type: noun Pronunciation: /v-c-a-kom-press-or/ Also spelled or known as: VCA-Compressor Related: VCA What does VCA Compressor mean? An analog compressor that uses a VCA control to apply compression.  VCA compressors are usually fast-acting (at least in comparison to opto-compressors), a wide dynamic range, and low distortion. Example sentence: “This VCA compressor is nice.”


VCF Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /V-C-F/ Also spelled or known as: V-C-F What does VCF mean? Voltage Controller Filter. VCF stands for Voltage Controller Filter. VCF is the section on an analogue synth that controls the filter and the filter ADSR.


VCO Type: noun, acronym, device Pronunciation: /v-c-o/ Also spelled or known as: V-C-O What does VCO mean? Voltage Controlled Oscillator. VCO stands for Voltage Controlled Oscillator. An oscillator on an analogue synth.


Velocity Type: noun Pronunciation: /veh-law-sit-e/ What does Velocity mean? A MIDI parameter for each note that is played. Velocity is the force at which a note is performed and recorded. Velocity usually determines the loudness of the notes. It can also be used to modify other parameters on synthesizers. Example sentence: “Bring the velocity down […]


Verse Type: noun Pronunciation: /vers/ Plural: Verses What does Verse mean? A section of lines or bars on a rap song. Verse synonyms: 16, 16 bars Example sentence: “I love the verse you just recorded.”