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Vibrato Type: noun, effect Pronunciation: /vi-bra-toe/ What does Vibrato mean? An effect created by modulating the pitch of a sound with an LFO at a small amplitude. Vibrato is an effect created by modulating the pitch of a sound with an LFO at a small amplitude. This creates a wavy sound. Example sentence: “Put the […]


Vihuel Type: noun, instrument, equipment Pronunciation: /veh-way-lah/ What does Vihuela mean? An obsolete 15th-century fretted plucked Spanish stringed instrument. A Vihuela (also known as “vihuela de mano”) is an obsolete 15th-century fretted plucked Spanish stringed instrument, that is shaped like a guitar but tuned like a lute. Example sentence: “The museum is trying to get a […]


Vina Type: noun, instrument, equipment Pronunciation: /ve-na/ What does Vina mean? An Indian stringed musical instrument. A vina is an Indian stringed musical instrument. Example sentence: “The vina is an instrument from India.”


Viola Type: noun, instrument, equipment Pronunciation: /ve-oh-lah/ What does Viola mean? The tenor instrument of the violin family. A viola has four strings. A viola is the tenor instrument of the violin family. A viola has four strings. Violin family: Violin, Viola, Cello Example sentence: “He was a talented viola player.”


Violin Type: noun, instrument, equipment Pronunciation: /vy-oh-lin/ Related: Violinist, Fiddle What does Violin mean? A four-stringed instrument played with a bow. A violin is a four-stringed instrument played with a bow. A violin has a shallow body and is played with a bow by holding it under the chin and moving the bow over the […]


Violinist Type: noun Pronunciation: /vio-lin-tist/ Related: Violin What does Violinist mean? Someone who plays the violin; a violin player. A violinist is someone who plays the violin. A violin player is known as a violinist. Example sentence: “Sarah is a really good violinist.”


Virtuoso Type: noun Pronunciation: /vir-too-o-so/ What does Virtuoso mean? A really good or skilled musician. A virtuoso is a really good or skilled musician. An example would be a piano virtuoso; a pianist. Example sentence: “He is a virtuoso violinist.”


Vocal Type: noun Pronunciation: /vo-kull/ Plural: Vocals Related: Vox What does Vocal mean? 1. Relating to human voice. 2. A recorded audio by someone. 3. A part of audio that is sung. Example sentence: “I have a vocal recording of it.”

Vocal Booth

Vocal Booth Type: noun Pronunciation: /vok-ull-booth/ Also spelled or known as: Booth Related: Vox, Vocals, Booth Plural: Vocal Booths What does Vocal booth mean? An enclosed space with soundproofing and isolation designed to record vocals in. Vocal booths (also known as “the booth”) are usually acoustically treated and inside of a recording studio room. Vocal […]


Volume Type: noun Pronunciation: /vol-uum/ Related: Input Gain What does Volume mean? The amplitude of a sound or the sound pressure level (loudness). Volume is the amplitude of a sound or the sound pressure level (loudness). The volume is a parameter that can be adjusted on a device. Volume synonyms: Input Gain, Amplitude Example sentence: […]


Vox Type: noun, abbreviation Pronunciation: /vox/ Also spelled or known as: Vocals What does Vox mean? Vocals. Vox is short for vocals. Vox synonyms: Vocals Example sentence: “The vox just came in my email.”


VST Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /v-s-t/ Also spelled or known as: V-S-T, V.S.T, V S T Related: Virtual Studio Technology What does VST mean? Virtual Studio Technology; synthesizer and effects unit plugins that integrate with Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs). Example sentence: “This is a new VST.”


WASAPI Type: noun, abbreviation Pronunciation: /W-A-S-A-P-I/ or /wah-sah-pee/ What does WASAPI mean? Windows Audio Session API. WASAPI stands for and means “Windows Audio Session API”. WASAPI is Microsoft’s multi-channel audio interface for communication with audio devices, i.e. an audio driver.


Watt Type: noun Pronunciation: /waht/ Related: Watts, Wattage Plural: Watts What does Watt mean? Unit of electrical power. Watt is the unit of electrical power. Example sentence: “What is the watt?”


WAV Type: noun, codec, file format Pronunciation: /wave/ Plural: WAVs Related: Waveform What does WAV mean? WAV, or Waveform Audio File Format, the standard format for audio files. WAV synonyms: .WAV Other File Formats: AIFF, MP3 Example sentence: “I just emailed you the WAV file.”


Waveform Type: noun Pronunciation: /wave-form/ Also spelled or known as: Wave form, Wave-form Related: Wave, Wavelength, Sound Wave Plural: Waveforms What does Waveform mean? The shape of a sound wave. A waveform is a curve showing the shape of a sound wave. Example sentence: “There is a waveform design on the shirt.”


Wavelength Type: noun Pronunciation: /wave-length/ Also spelled or known as: Wave length, Wave-length Related: Wave, Waveform What does Wavelength mean? The length of the wave. The shorter the wavelength, the faster the wave is. Example sentence: “The percussion has a long wavelength.”


Wavetable Type: noun Pronunciation: /wave-taib-ull/ Related: Wavetable Synthesis, Wavetable Synths What does Wavetable mean? A collection of waveforms that can be scanned through, blended with one another, and modified. A wavetable is a collection of waveforms that can be scanned through, blended with one another, and modified.


Wet Type: noun Pronunciation: /weht/ Also spelled or known as: Wet sound, Wet-sound Opposite: Dry Related: Wet/Dry or Dry/Wet, Wet sound What does Wet mean? Processed sound; a sound with effects on it. Wet sound is vocals or sounds with effects and things done to it. A Dry/Wet knob is used to blend signals. Wet […]

White Noise

White Noise Type: noun Pronunciation: /white-noise/ Also spelled or known as: White-Noise What does White Noise mean? A noise produced by many synthesizers from playing the entire frequency spectrum at once. White Noise is a noise produced by many synthesizers from playing the entire frequency spectrum at once. Sound Engineers usually send a white noise […]

Whole Note

Whole Note Type: noun, music notation Pronunciation: /hole-note/ Also spelled or known as: Whole-Note, WholeNote Related: Whole Rest What does Whole Note mean? A note that takes up an entire measure in 4/4 time. A Whole Note (used in music notation) is a note that takes up an entire measure in 4/4 time. More notes: […]

Whole Step

Whole Step Type: noun Pronunciation: /whole-step/ Also spelled or known as: Whole-Step What does Whole Step mean? A change in pitch equivalent to two half steps, or the difference in pitch between two piano keys. Whole Step is a change in pitch equivalent to two half steps, movement of two notes in a given direction, […]


Woofer Type: noun, equipment Pronunciation: /woof-err/ Related: Subwoofer, Loudspeaker, Speaker What does Woofer mean? A loudspeaker that is designed to reproduce bass frequencies only. Woofer is a loudspeaker that is designed to reproduce bass frequencies only. Woofer reproduces the low-mid frequencies, usually from ~20Hz up to ~500Hz. Similar to a subwoofer but with a higher […]


Work Type: noun Pronunciation: /work/ What does Work mean? Any creation that can be copyrighted. Work is any creation that can be copyrighted. A work can be musical, visual, literary, etc. Example sentence: “I’m a stan, I love his work.”


WOW Type: noun, plugin Pronunciation: /WOW/ What does WOW mean? A filter that creates formants. WOW is a filter that creates formants. The plugin created by Sugar Bytes is used to create formants. Creator: Sugar Bytes

Writer’s Block

Writer’s Block Type: noun Pronunciation: /write-errs-block/ Also spelled: Writers Block, Writers-Block What does Writer’s Block mean? To be temporarily unable to write creatively or for some time. Example sentence: “I use RHYMEBOOK to avoid writer’s block.”


XLR Type: noun, acronym, equipment Pronunciation: /x-l-r/ Plural: XLRs Also spelled or known as: X-L-R, X.L.R., X L R What does XLR mean? External Line Return; A cable with three prongs for microphones. XLR stands for External Line Return. Example sentence: “Pass me the XLR below your feet.”


Yo Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /yo/ Also spelled: The Yo What does Yo mean? Studio. Yo synonyms: Lab, Stu, The Stu, The Lab, The Yo Example sentence: “Me and Joe Trufant were in the yo yesterday.”


Zero-crossing Type: noun Pronunciation: /zee-ro-kross-in/ Also spelled or known as: Zero Crossing What does Zero-crossing mean? A point on a waveform that passes through the central zero line (complete silence). Zero-crossing is a point on a waveform that passes through the central zero line (complete silence). Example sentence: “I made sure the outro passed zero-crossing.”


Zone Type: noun Pronunciation: /zo-own/ What does Zone mean? A zone is the keyboard mapping assigned to a sample or group of samples and controls pitch and velocity. A zone is the keyboard mapping assigned to a sample or group of samples and controls pitch and velocity. In the context of KONTAKT for example, loading […]