Mashup Type: noun Pronunciation: /mash-up/ Also spelled or known as: Mash-up, Mash up What does Mashup mean? A combination of two or more tracks blended together to create a new track. A mashup is a combination of two or more tracks blended together to create a new track. A mashup usually has similar tempos and […]
Master Type: noun Pronunciation: /mas-ter/ Related: Mastering, Masters What does Master mean? 1. The original recording(s). 2. To prepare a recording for release and mass distribution, whether to be sold physically or digitally. To master is to prepare a track for release and mass distribution by standardising the mixed track’s loudness, mastering makes sure the […]
Mastering Type: noun Pronunciation: /mas-ter-rin/ Related: Master, Masters What does Mastering mean? The preparation of a recording for release and mass distribution, whether to be sold physically or digitally. Mastering is the process of preparing a track for release and mass distribution by standardising the mixed track’s loudness, mastering makes sure the music sounds consistent […]
MC Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /m-c/ Also spelled: M.C, Emcee What does MC mean? Master of Ceremonies or Mic Controller. MC synonym: Emcee Example sentence: “We need a good MC at the show.”
Measure Type: noun Pronunciation: /mesh-err/ What does Measure mean? A specific length of time of a specific number of beats played at a particular tempo. Measure is a specific length of time of a specific number of beats played at a particular tempo. Measure synonyms: Bar Example sentence: “What is the measure on it?”
Mechanical Rights
Mechanical Rights Type: noun Pronunciation: /mek-ah-nik-all-rights/ Also spelled or known as: Mechanical-Rights Related: Rights, Mechanical Royalties What does Mechanical Rights mean? Rights allowing a musical piece or work (song) to be legally reproduced onto different mediums like CDs, tapes, streaming, Mp3 players, etc. Mechanical Rights are rights given, allowing a musical piece or work (song) […]
Mechanical Royalties
Mechanical Royalties Type: noun Pronunciation: /mek-ah-nik-all-ro-yal-tees/ Related: Rights, Royalties, Mechanical Rights, Mechanical Royalty Also spelled or known as: Mechanical-Royalties Singular: Mechanical Royalty What does Mechanical Royalties mean? Income paid to an artist, songwriter, or publisher when their mechanical rights are used. Mechanical Royalties are payments from a record company to a songwriter or publisher when […]
Metronome Type: noun Pronunciation: /meh-tro-nin/ What does Metronome mean? A device (usually found in DAWs) that audibly reproduces a set tempo, by playing a set of timed clicks. A metronome is a device (usually found in DAWs) that audibly reproduces a set tempo, by playing a set of timed clicks. Metronome synonyms: Tempo Example sentence: […]
Mic Type: noun, equipment Pronunciation: /myk/ Plural: Mics Related: Microphone What does Mic mean? Microphone. Mic is short for microphone. Mic synonyms: Wire, Recorder Example sentence: “Bring the mic out of the booth.”
Mid Field (Mid Field Monitors)
Mid Field (Mid Field Monitors) Type: noun, equipment Pronunciation: /mid-field/ Also spelled or known as: Midfield, Mid-Field, Mid Field Monitors Similar to Mid Field: Near Field, Far Field What does Mid Field mean? A type of studio monitors designed to be a bit further away to the listener’s ear. Mid Field is a type of […]
MIDI Type: noun, acronym, equipment Pronunciation: /mid-e or m-i-d-i/ What does MIDI mean? Musical Instrument Digital Interface. MIDI stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface. A MIDI is an industry-standard language that allows instruments to communicate with each other and able to be played back using DAWS/Digital Audio Workstations. Example sentence: “I have a MIDI keyboard […]
Midrange Type: noun Pronunciation: /mid-range/ Also spelled or known as: Mid-range, Mid range Related: Mids, Lows, Highs What does Midrange mean? The mid range audio frequencies between 250Hz and 5,000Hz. A reference value. Midrange (also known as mids) are the mid/central range frequencies in a sound – typically between 250Hz and 5,000Hz. Usually meant in […]
Mids Type: noun Pronunciation: /mids/ Related: Midrange, Lows, Highs Singular: Mid What does Mids mean? The mid range audio frequencies between 250Hz and 5000Hz. A reference value. Mids are the middle/central range frequencies in a sound – typically between 250Hz and 5000Hz. Usually meant in the context of “highs, mids and lows” in an audio […]
Mini-Jack Type: noun, equipment Pronunciation: /min-e-jak/ Related: Jack What does Mini-jack mean? A smaller version of the 1/4” jack used as a headphone connector. A Mini-Jack (also called or known as a 3.5mm) is a smaller version of the 1/4” jack used as a headphone connector. It’s the standard jack you plug into your phone […]
Minstrel Type: noun Pronunciation: /min-strel/ Plural: Minstrel What does Minstrel mean? A musician back in the middle ages. A minstrel is a musician back in the middle ages. Example sentence: “We need a sample that sounds like a minstrel.”
Mix Type: noun Pronunciation: /mix/ Also spelled or known as: Mixdown Related: Mixing, Mixes, Mixdown, Mixer What does Mix mean? The process of blending multiple tracks together to create a final audio track. A mix is the audio product blended by an engineer. To Mix is to blend multiple tracks together to create a final […]
Mixdown Type: noun Pronunciation: /mix-down/ Also spelled or known as: Mix, Mix Down, Mix-Down Related: Mixing, Mixes, Mixdown, Mixer, Mix What does Mixdown mean? The process of blending multiple tracks together to create a final audio track. The Mixdown is the process of blending multiple tracks together to create a final audio product. This includes […]
Mixer Type: noun, device, equipment Pronunciation: /mix-err/ Plural: Mixers Related: Console, Mixing Desk, Sound Board, Mix, Mixing, Mixdown What does Mixer mean? A device for recording, mixing, or live events and sound purposes to amplify, balance, process, and combine sounds. A mixer is the in person studio version of a DAW. Mixer synonyms: Console, Mixing […]
Mixing Type: noun, verb Pronunciation: /mix-in/ Related: Mix, Mixes, Mixdown, Mixer What does Mixing mean? 1. To be blending multiple tracks together to create one final track. 2. The process of blending multiple tracks together to create one final track. Mixing is the process of blending multiple tracks together to create a final audio product. […]
Mixing Console
Mixing Console Type: noun Pronunciation: /mix-in-kon-sole/ Also spelled or known as: Mixing-Console Related: Mixing, Console What does Mixing Console mean? A device for recording, mixing, or live events and sound purposes to amplify, balance, process, and combine sounds. A mixing console is a device for recording, mixing, or live events and sound purposes to amplify, […]
Mixing Desk
Mixing Desk Type: noun, equipment, device Pronunciation: /mix-in-desk/ Also spelled or known as: Mixing-desk, Mixin’ desk Plural: Mixing Desks Related: Console, Mixer, Sound Board What does Mixing desk mean? A device for recording, mixing, or live events and sound purposes to amplify, balance, process, and combine sounds. A mixing desk is the in person studio […]
Mod Wheel
Mod Wheel Type: noun Pronunciation: /mod-weel/ Also spelled or known as: Mod-Wheel What does Mod Wheel mean? A control on keyboards and synths that allow a particular parameter to be modulated in real time. Mod Wheel is a control on keyboards and synths that allow a particular parameter to be modulated in real time. Example […]
Modulate Type: noun, verb Pronunciation: /mod-u-late/ What does Modulate mean? To switch from one key to another during a song. Modulate is to switch from one key to another during a song. To key change. Example sentence: “Let’s just modulate the second half.”
Module Type: noun, device, equipment Pronunciation: /mod-ull/ What does Module mean? A device (typically hardware but can be software) that creates or processes sound. Module is a device (typically hardware but can be software) that creates or processes sound. Modules have a self-contained group of circuits and controls. Most people refer to modules as part […]
Monitor Type: noun, equipment, device Pronunciation: /mon-e-tor/ Plural: Monitors What does Monitor mean? 1. A loudspeaker used for mixing. 2. The screen of a computer. 3. To quality check music and avoid peaks. A monitor is a type of loudspeaker used in recording studios because of their ‘flat’ frequency response for audio to be recreated […]
Monitoring Type: noun, verb Pronunciation: /moni-tor-rin/ Related: Monitor, Monitors What does Monitoring mean? The process of listening to the audio being recorded or played back through speakers or headphones. Monitoring is the process of listening to the audio being recorded or played back through speakers or headphones. It is important to monitor the sound accurately […]
Monitors Type: noun, equipment, device Pronunciation: /mon-e-tors/ Singular: Monitor Related: Studio Monitors, Loudspeakers What does Monitors mean? 1. Loudspeakers used for mixing. 2. The screens of computers. Monitors are a type of loudspeaker used in recording studios because of their ‘flat’ frequency response for audio to be recreated as accurately as possible. Monitors synonyms: Speakers, […]
Mono Type: noun Pronunciation: /mon-no/ Related: Stereo What does Mono mean? A sound that has one source instead of two. Opposite of stereo. Example sentence: “I think you should bounce it mono.”
Monophonic Type: adjective Pronunciation: /mon-o-foe-nik/ Related: Mono What does Monophonic mean? A word used to reference that only one note can be played at a time on an instrument, synthesizer, or sample. Monophonic is a word used to reference that only one note can be played at a time on an instrument, synthesizer, or sample. […]
Motif Type: noun, music theory Pronunciation: /moh-tif/ What does Motif mean? The smallest thematically significant melody of a song. Motif is the smallest thematically significant melody of a song. Example sentence: “I like that motif.”
MP3 Type: noun, file format Pronunciation: /m-p-3/ Plural: MP3s What does MP3 mean? MPEG Audio Layer III, a lossy audio file format that compresses the audio to save space. MP3 stands for MPEG Audio Layer III Similar to MP3: .WAV, Wave, AIFF Example sentence: “The MP3 file is downloading right now.”
Mud Type: noun Pronunciation: /mawd/ What does Mud mean? Audio signals in the low mids making mixes sound “muddy” and unclean. Mud is audio signals in the low mids making mixes sound “muddy” and unclean. Mud is typically found in the 200Hz-500Hz range. Example sentence: “I don’t want to hear any mud in the mix.”
Multi-Sample Type: noun, device, equipment Pronunciation: /mul-ti-samp-ull/ Also spelled or known as: Multi Sample, MultiSample What does Multi-Sample mean? An ampler that maps each keyboard note to a different sample. Multi-sample is an ampler that maps each keyboard note to a different sample. This allows an instrument like a piano or guitar to be recorded […]
Multitrack Recording
Multitrack Recording Type: noun, verb Pronunciation: /mall-ty-track-in/ Also spelled or known as: Multitrack-Recording Related: Multitracking, Track, Tracks, Tracking What does Multitrack recording mean? Recording individual tracks or songs, on computer, recorder or tape. Multitrack recording (also called tracking or multitracking) is the process of recording a collective of sounds onto separate tracks, then combining the […]
Multitracking Type: noun, verb Pronunciation: /mal-ty-track-in/ Also spelled or known as: Multitrackin’, Multi-tracking, Multi tracking, Multi-trackin’ Related: Track, Tracks, Multitrack Recording, Tracking What does Multitracking mean? Recording individual tracks or songs, on computer, recorder or tape. Multitracking (also called multitrack recording or tracking) is the process of recording a collective of sounds onto separate tracks, […]
Music Catalog
Music Catalog Type: noun Pronunciation: /muu-sik-kat-ah-log/ Also spelled or known as: Music-Catalog, Catalog Related: Music, Catalog What does Music Catalog mean? A collection of musical works by an artist. Music Catalog is a collection of musical works by an artist. Music Catalog synonyms: Discography, Catalog, Demos, Works Example sentence: “I absolutely love Kanye West’s music […]
Music Notation
Music Notation Type: noun Pronunciation: /mew-sik-ull-no-tay-tion/ Also spelled or known as: Notation, Musical Notation, Music-Notation Plural: Music Notations What does Music notation mean? Symbols used to represent music in order to write it down. Music notation (also known as “notation” or “musical notation”) are symbols used to represent music in order to write it down. […]
Musical Composition
Musical Composition Type: noun Pronunciation: /mew-sik-all-kom-po-si-tion/ Also spelled or known as: Music Composition Related: Composition, Original Composition What does Musical Composition mean? A musical work. A musical composition is a musical work. Musical Composition synonyms: Composition, Writing, Lyrics, Original Composition Example sentence: “I enjoyed the musical composition.”
Musical Ensemble
Musical Ensemble Type: noun Pronunciation: /mew-sik-ull-en-sam-bull/ Also known as: Ensemble, Music group, Musical group, Music ensemble Related: Duo, Duet What does Musical Ensemble mean? A group of musicians. A musical ensemble is a group of musicians playing together. Musical Ensemble synonyms: Ensemble, Duo, Music group, Musical group, Music ensemble Example sentence: “We had a musical […]
Musician Type: noun Pronunciation: /mu-zee-tian/ What does Musician mean? Someone who creates music and releases it. A musician is someone who creates music and releases it. A musician can be an artist, rapper, songwriter, vocalist, or more. Musician synonyms: Artist, Rapper, Songwriter, Vocalist Example sentence: “Who is your favorite musician? mine is Joe Trufant.”
Musicology Type: noun Pronunciation: /mu-sik-kaw-loj-e/ What does Musicology mean? The study of music. Musicology is the study of music. Example sentence: “He knows everything about music, you would think he went to a school of musicology.”
Mute Type: noun, adjective Pronunciation: /mewt/ What does Mute mean? 1. A control on a track in most DAWs that turns off or silents the audio. 2. To silence. 3. Unable to speak. The mute button stops the audio or sound of a channel from playing. More Transport controls: Record, Play, Pause, Stop, Rewind, Fast-Forward […]