Fiddle Type: noun, instrument, equipment Pronunciation: /fid-ull/ Related: Violinist, Violin What does Fiddle mean? A violin; A four-stringed instrument played with a bow. A fiddle is another word for a violin. A fiddle (violin) is a four-stringed instrument played with a bow. A fiddle has a shallow body and is played with a bow by […]
Fidelity Type: noun Pronunciation: /fid-ell-lee-tee/ What does Fidelity mean? The quality of the audio. Fidelity refers to the quality of the audio. High fidelity (also known as Hi-Fi) means high quality, and low fidelity (also known as Lo-Fi) means low quality, in terms of bitrate/sample rate. Fidelity synonyms: Hi-Fidelity, Hi-Fi, Lo-Fi Example sentence: “What is […]
Filter Type: noun, effect Pronunciation: /fil-ter/ Plural: Filters What does Filter mean? An effect that only allows a particular band of frequencies to pass through. Filter is an effect that only allows a particular band of frequencies to pass through. Different filter types include low-pass filter, high-pass filter, band-pass filters and band-reject filters. Different types […]
FL Studio
FL Studio Type: noun, DAW Pronunciation: /f-l-stu-dio/ Also spelled or known as: FL-Studio, FL, FLStudio Related: FL What does FL Studio mean? A popular DAW created by Image-Line. FL Studio is popular especially among music producers. Creator: Image-Line Other DAWS: Logic Pro, Ableton Live (Ableton), GarageBand, Bitwig Studio, Pro Tools, Cubase/Nuendo, Reaper, Audacity Example sentence: […]
FLAC Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /f-l-a-c/ Also spelled or known as: F-L-A-C, F.L.A.C., F L A C Related: AIFF, Wav, MP3 What does FLAC mean? Free lossless audio codec. FLAC stands for Free lossless audio codec. FLAC files are compressed to nearly half the size of WAV files, with the same sample rate. FLAC maintains […]
Flip Type: noun Pronunciation: /flip/ What does Flip mean? A remix or re-done version of a song. Flip is a remix or re-done version of a song. Flip synonyms: Bootleg, Remix, Rework Example sentence: “I just bounced a flip of it.”
Flutist Type: noun Pronunciation: /flu-tist/ Related: Flute What does Flutist mean? Someone who plays the flute; a flute player. A flutist is someone who plays the flute. A flute player is known as a flutist. Example sentence: “I hired a flutist for the dinner tonight.”
FOH Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /f-o-h/ Also spelled or known as: Front-of-House Related: Front of House What does FOH mean? Front of House; An area in a live venue audio setting where live audio for the show is controlled and mixed. FOH (also known as and stands for “Front of House“) is an area in […]
Form Type: noun Pronunciation: /form/ What does Form mean? The pattern of a piece of music. The form is the pattern of a piece of music. Form synonyms: Structure, Arrangement Example sentence: “I like the form of that record.”
Front of House
Front of House Type: noun Pronunciation: /front-of-house/ Also spelled or known as: Front-of-House Related: FOH What does Front of House mean? An area in a live venue audio setting where live audio for the show is controlled and mixed. Front of House (also known as FOH) is an area in a live venue audio setting […]
FX Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /f-x/ Also spelled or known as: F-X, F.X., F X Related: SFX What does FX mean? Short for Effects. FX stands for Effects. Processes or devices used to alter a sound. Popular effects include delay, reverb, chorus, distortion, phaser, and flanger. Example sentence: “Can you add some FX to that […]
Gain Type: noun Pronunciation: /gayn/ What does Gain mean? 1. An increase or decrease in the amplitude of a signal. 2. Initial sound level of a sound before it goes through an amplifier. Gain is generally a synonym for volume, though it’s often used as another word for distortion. Gain can also mean the initial […]
GarageBand Type: noun, DAW Pronunciation: /gah-raj-band/ Also spelled or known as: Garage-Band, Garage Band What does GarageBand mean? A popular DAW created by Apple. Other DAWS: Logic Pro, Ableton Live (Ableton), FL Studio, Bitwig Studio, Pro Tools, Cubase/Nuendo, Reaper, Audacity Example sentence: “My first beat was made on GarageBand.”
Gate Type: noun, processor Pronunciation: /gait/ Also spelled or known as: Noise Gate, Noise-Gate Related: Noise Gate What does Gate mean? An audio processor that cuts off the volume of an audio once it passes below a certain volume threshold. Gate (also known as “Noise Gate”) is an audio processor that cuts off the volume […]
Gating Type: noun Pronunciation: /gate-in/ Also known or spelled: Gatin’ Related: Gate What does Gating mean? A technique to cut out unwanted signals that fall below a specific threshold. Gating is a technique to cut out unwanted signals that fall below a specific threshold. Example sentence: “They used gating on that audio.”
Gold (certification) Type: noun Pronunciation: /goold/ Also known as: Gold selling, Gold status, Gold single, Gold album, Certified Gold, Went Gold What does Gold mean? 500 thousand (500,000) copies of a song or an album sold. Other music certifications: Diamond, Platinum, No. 1 Example sentence: “The single went gold in 2 weeks.”
Half Note
Half Note Type: noun, music notation Pronunciation: /half-note/ Also spelled or known as: Half-Note, HalfNote What does Half Note mean? A note that in 4/4 time is worth 2 beats or half of a whole note. More notes: Quarter Note, Whole Note, A (Note), B (Note), C (Note), D (Note), E (Note), F (Note) A […]
HD Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /h-d/ Also spelled: H.D, H-D What does HD mean? High Definition. Example sentence: “We saw your new music video in HD.”
Headroom Type: noun Pronunciation: /head-room/ Also spelled or known as: Head-Room, Head Room What does Headroom mean? The difference between the highest level a sound can reach and zero decibels on a master channel. Headroom is the difference between the highest level a sound can reach and zero decibels on a master channel; having adequate […]
Hertz Type: noun Pronunciation: /hurtz/ Related: Hz, kHz, Kilohertz What does Hertz mean? The unit of measurement for frequencies. After 1,000Hz, the unit is measured in Kilohertz (or kHz). 1 Kilohertz (kHz) = 1,000 Hertz (Hz). Hertz synonyms: Hz Example sentence: “What is the hertz of that beat?”
Hi-Fi Type: noun Pronunciation: /hi-fi/ Also spelled or known as: Hi Fi, HiFi Related: Lo-Fi, Fidelity What does Hi-Fi mean? Hi-Fidelity; high quality audio, in terms of bitrate/sample rate. Hi-Fi (also known as High-Fidelity) means high quality audio, in terms of bitrate/sample rate. Hi-Fi synonyms: Hi-Fidelity Example sentence: “I heard the album on Hi-Fi speakers.”
High-End Type: noun Pronunciation: /high-end/ Also spelled or known as: High End, HighEnd Opposite: Low-End What does High End mean? The higher range of audio frequencies above 6kHz. A reference value. High-End (also known as highs) are the higher frequencies in a sound – typically above 6kHz. High End synonyms: Highs, Top-End, Treble, Air Example […]
Highs Type: noun Pronunciation: /highs/ Related: Mids, Lows, High-End, Top-End, Treble, Air What does Highs mean? The higher range of audio frequencies above 6kHz. A reference value. Highs are the higher frequencies in a sound – typically above 6kHz. Usually meant in the context of “highs, mids and lows” in an audio signal. Highs synonyms: […]
Hook Type: noun Pronunciation: /hook/ Plural: Hooks What does Hook mean? The part of a song that is repeated throughout the song. The Hook is the part of a song that is repeated throughout the song. Hook synonyms: Chorus Example sentence: “The hook is my favorite part of the song.”
House Type: noun, genre Pronunciation: /hous/ Also spelled or known as: House Music Related: House Music What does House mean? A popular genre of electronic/dance music (EDM) originating in the early ’70s in the US. House is a popular genre of electronic/dance music (EDM) originating in the early ’70s in the US. There are many […]
House Music
House Music Type: noun, genre Pronunciation: /hous/ Also spelled or known as: House Music Related: House What does House Music mean? A popular genre of electronic/dance music (EDM) originating in the early ’70s in the US. House is a popular genre of electronic/dance music (EDM) originating in the early ’70s in the US. There are […]
Hymn Type: noun Pronunciation: /hym/ Plural: Hymns What does Hymn mean? A church song of praise. A hymn is a church song of praise. Example sentence: “I love the hymn we sung in church today.”
Hz Type: noun, abbreviation Pronunciation: /hurtz/ Related: Hertz, kHz, Kilohertz What does Hz mean? Hertz; the unit of measurement for frequencies. After 1,000Hz, the unit is measured in Kilohertz (or kHz). 1 Kilohertz (kHz) = 1,000 Hertz (Hz). Hz synonyms: Hertz
I/O Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /I-O/ Also spelled or known as: I-O, I.O., I O, Input/output Related: Input, Output What does I/O mean? Input/Output. I/O stands for Input/Output. I/O is used in electronics. Example sentence: “Does that device have a I/O?“
ID3 Tags
ID3 Tags Type: noun Pronunciation: /I-D-3-tags/ Also spelled or known as: ID3-Tags What does ID3 Tags mean? Tags on an MP3 or similar audio file that detail the artist name, song name, album name, genre, year, and more. ID3 Tags are tags on an MP3 or similar audio file that detail the artist name, song […]
Imaging Type: noun Also spelled or known as: Imagin’ Pronunciation: /im-age-in/ What does Imaging mean? The process of adjusting the stereo image with panning, stereo width effects, and time-based effects. Imaging is the process of adjusting the stereo image with panning, stereo width effects, and time-based effects.
Input Type: noun Pronunciation: /in-put/ Related: Input Gain, Input Impedance, Input Monitoring What does Input mean? 1. The jack or physical spot where a device receives signal. 2. Audio signal that is fed into a channel or effect. Input is the jack or physical spot where a device receives signal. It can also refer to […]
Input Gain
Input Gain Type: noun Pronunciation: /in-put-gain/ Also spelled or known as: Input-Gain Related: Input, Input Impedance, Input Monitoring What does Input Gain mean? The amount of gain applied to audio before effects or processing. Input Gain is the amount of gain applied to audio before effects or processing. Input gain may be applied to audio […]
Input Impedance
Input Impedance Type: noun Pronunciation: /in-put-im-pen-dense/ Related: Input Gain, Input Gain, Input Monitoring What does Input Impedance mean? The opposition to current flow by the first circuits of a device. Input Impedance is the opposition to current flow by the first circuits of a device.
Input Monitoring
Input Monitoring Type: noun Pronunciation: /in-put-mon-e-tor-ring/ Related: Input Gain, Input Impedance, Input What does Input Monitoring mean? A setting on a lot of DAWs to monitor the live input signal coming into the DAW. Input Monitoring is a setting on a lot of DAWs to monitor the live input signal coming into the DAW (this […]
Instrument Type: noun Pronunciation: /in-stru-ment/ Plural: Instruments Related: Instrumental What does Instrument mean? An object or tool used to make music. An instrument is an object or tool used to make music. The three basic kinds of instruments are; wind instruments (which use air to make the sounds); percussion instruments (something being hit to make […]
Instrumental Type: noun Pronunciation: /in-stru-ment-tal/ Related: Instrument, Instruments Plural: Instrumentals What does Instrumental mean? A combination of instruments without words/vocals. An instrumental is a combination of instruments without words/vocals. Instrumental synonyms: Beat Example sentence: “Send me the instrumental I’ll record on it tonight.”
Intellectual Property
Intellectual Property Type: noun Pronunciation: /in-ter-lec-tual-prop-err-tee/ Also spelled or known as: IP, Intellectual-property What does Intellectual property mean? Intangible property resulting from creativity, such as patents, or copyright. Intellectual property (also known as IP) is intangible property resulting from creativity, such as patents, or copyright. Intellectual Property synonyms: IP Example sentence: “We must protect our […]
Interface Type: noun, device Pronunciation: /in-ter-face/ Related: Audio Interface What does Interface mean? A hardware that can receive and output audio. An Interface (also known as “Audio interface”) is a piece of hardware that can receive audio as an input and also output audio. An interface helps a human interact with a computer or other […]
Interlude Type: noun Pronunciation: /in-ter-lood/ Related: Prelude, Postlude What does Interlude mean? An instrumental, song, or piece of music between other songs. An interlude is an instrumental, song, or piece of music between other songs. An interlude is usually between songs on an album. Example sentence: “The interlude sounded so peaceful.”
Intro Type: noun Pronunciation: /in-tro/ Related: Outro What does Intro mean? 1. Opening section of a song or piece. 2. The first song on an album. The intro is short for introduction and has two meanings. 1. Opening section of a song or piece. 2. The first song on an album. Example sentence: “I know […]
IP Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /i-p/ Also spelled or known as: Intellectual Property What does IP mean? Intangible property resulting from creativity, such as patents, or copyright. IP (also known as Intellectual property) is intangible property resulting from creativity, such as patents, or copyright. IP Synonyms: Intellectual Property Example sentence: “The publisher bought the IP.” […]
IR Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /i-r/ Also spelled or known as: I.R., I-R Related: Impulse Response What does IR mean? Impulse Response; an audio file that can be loaded into a convolution reverb to apply a room or space’s natural reverb to any sound. IR stands for Impulse Response, an audio file that can be […]
ISRC Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /I-S-R-C/ Also spelled or known as: I.S.R.C, I S R C, I-S-R-C Related: ISRC Code What does ISRC mean? International Standard Recording Code; a 12-character, alphanumeric code assigned to music for commercial release. An ISRC (International Standard Recording Code) is a 12-character, alphanumeric code assigned to music for commercial release. ISRC synonym: ISRC Code Example sentence: “We keep […]
ISRC Code Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /I-S-R-C-kode/ Also spelled or known as: ISRC-Code Related: ISRC What does ISRC Code mean? International Standard Recording Code; a 12-character, alphanumeric code assigned to music for commercial release. An ISRC (International Standard Recording Code) is a 12-character, alphanumeric code assigned to music for commercial release. Example sentence: “I just […]
iZotope Type: noun, plugin Pronunciation: /i-zo-tope/ What does iZotope mean? A plugin software company that created Ozone, Iris, RX, & more. iZotope is a plugin software company that created Ozone, Iris, RX, & more. Example sentence: “I really enjoy iZotope.”
J-Pop Type: noun, genre Pronunciation: /j-pop/ Also spelled: J Pop, JPop What does J-Pop mean? Japanese Pop Music. J-Pop is Japanese Pop Music, a genre of pop music from Japan characterized by influences such as EDM, R&B, Jazz, & traditional Korean music. More Genres: Rap, Hip-Hop, Pop, RnB/R&B, EDM, House, Jazz, Rock, Country, Alternative, K-Pop, Bass, Dance, Chill, Ambient, Dubstep, Trap, Bass House, Drum […]
Jack Type: noun, equipment Pronunciation: /jak/ Related: Mini-jack What does Jack mean? A standard connector for studio monitors, audio interfaces and more. A jack (also called or known as a “1/4” cable) is a connector. A jack is a standard connector for studio monitors, audio interfaces and more. They usually come in 6mm, 3.5mm mini […]
Jackin’ House
Jackin’ House Type: noun, genre Pronunciation: /jack-in-house/ Also spelled or known as: Jackin-House, Jacking House What does Jackin’ House mean? A subgenre of house music similar to tech house. Jackin’ House is a subgenre of house music similar to tech house but with an old-school influence. More Genres: Rap, Hip-Hop, Pop, EDM, Country, Chill, House, Jazz, Rock, Alternative, Ambient, J-Pop, […]
Jitter Type: noun, effect Pronunciation: /jit-err/ What does Jitter mean? The modulation effect that creates randomness to the modulated parameter. Jitter is the modulation effect that creates randomness to the modulated parameter. For example, an LFO might have a jitter control that allows it to drift off its current value to add more of a […]
K-Metering Type: noun Pronunciation: /k-meet-err-ing/ Also spelled or known as: KMetering, K Metering What does K-Metering mean? An audio level metering format which must be used with a monitoring system to set up a calibrated acoustic reference level. K-Metering is an audio level metering format which must be used with a monitoring system to set […]
K-Pop Type: noun Pronunciation: /k-pop/ Also spelled: K Pop, KPop What does K-Pop mean? Korean Pop Music. K-Pop is Korean Pop Music, a genre of pop music from Korea characterized by influences such as EDM, R&B, Jazz, & traditional Korean music. More Genres: Rap, Hip-Hop, Pop, EDM, Country, Chill, House, Jazz, Rock, Alternative, Ambient, J-Pop, Dance, Dubstep, Trap, Bass House, […]
KBPS Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /K-B-P-S/ Also spelled or known as: K-B-P-S, K.B.P.S., K B P S What does KBPS mean? Kilobits per second (not kilobytes). KBPS stands for Kilobits per second. Kilobits per second is a data transfer rate or network speed. In music Kilobits is under bitrate. Bitrate is the amount of data […]
Key Type: noun Pronunciation: /kee/ Also spelled or known as: The Key What does Key mean? The notes that can be played in a piece of music. The key is the notes that can be played in a piece of music. For example, in the key of C Major, the notes that can be played […]
Keyboard Type: noun, equipment Pronunciation: /key-board/ What does Keyboard mean? 1. A computer keyboard used for typing, also used for producing music in a DAW. 2. A MIDI Keyboard that connects to a DAW to create music. A keyboard is a computer keyboard used for typing, and also used for producing music in a DAW. […]
kHz Type: noun, abbreviation Pronunciation: /kelo-hurtz/ Related: Hertz, Hz, Kilohertz What does kHz mean? Kilohertz; 1000x the unit of measurement for frequencies. 1 Kilohertz (kHz) = 1,000 Hertz (Hz). kHz synonyms: Kilohertz
Kilohertz Type: noun Pronunciation: /kelo-hurtz/ Related: Hertz, Hz, kHz What does Kilohertz mean? 1000x the unit of measurement for frequencies. 1 Kilohertz (kHz) = 1,000 Hertz (Hz). Kilohertz synonyms: kHz Example sentence: “I just wrote down the kilohertz of the song.”
Knee Type: noun Pronunciation: /nee/ What does Knee mean? A control on a compressor that determines how hard the compressor performs when hitting the threshold. Knee is a control on a compressor that determines how hard the compressor performs when hitting the threshold. A hard knee will make the compressor work instantly at the determined […]
Kontakt Type: noun, plugin Pronunciation: /kon-takt/ What does Kontakt mean? A multi-sample plugin created by Native Instruments. Kontakt is a multi-sample plugin created by Native Instruments. Kontakt is an industry standard for multi-samples of traditional instruments, such as guitars, pianos, etc. Created by: Native Instruments Example sentence: “I like this Kontakt plugin.”
Korg Type: noun, company Pronunciation: /korg/ What does Korg mean? A Japanese instrument, synth, and drum machine manufacturer. Korg is a Japanese instrument, synth, and drum machine manufacturer. Korg has created a lot of vintage hardware synths. Example sentence: “This synth was made by Korg.”
Lab Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /lahb/ Also spelled: The Lab What does Lab mean? Studio. Lab synonyms: The Lab, Stu, The Stu, Yo, The Yo Example sentence: “I enjoyed the session, we should get back in the lab tomorrow.”
Largo Type: adverb Pronunciation: /larg-oh/ Opposite: Presto What does Largo mean? Slow Tempo or Slowly; to play or be playing music or an instrument very slowly or at a slow tempo. Largo is to play or be playing music or an instrument very slowly or at a slow tempo. Example sentence: “Largo means with a […]
Latency Type: noun Pronunciation: /late-en-see/ What does Latency mean? An audio delay between input and output of a signal. Latency is a delay between input from a sound source and output in headphones. Example sentence: “We designed the set up to have as little latency as possible.”
Lazer Type: noun Pronunciation: /laze-err/ What does Lazer mean? A sound made by a synth using fast-moving pitch envelopes to create a ‘pew pew’ effect. Lazer is a sound made by a synth using fast-moving pitch envelopes to create a ‘pew pew’ effect. Example sentence: “Do you have a lazer on it?”
Lead Type: noun Pronunciation: /leed/ What does Lead mean? A synth or sound used to carry the main melody in a track. The lead is a synth or sound used to carry the main melody in a track. Example sentence: “I’m looking for a new lead for the beat.”
Legato Type: adverb Pronunciation: /leg-ah-toe/ What does Legato mean? To play notes smoothly, without stopping in between notes. Legato is to play notes smoothly, without stopping in between notes. Example sentence: “She played the instrumental legato.”
Level Type: noun Pronunciation: /lev-ull/ What does Level mean? The measurement of the loudness of a sound in decibels (dB). Level is the measurement of the loudness of a sound in decibels (dB). A sound can have different types of levels to it including peak level (actual loudness), RMS (average loudness) and perceived loudness. Example […]
LFO Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /L-F-O/ Also spelled or known as: L.F.O. What does LFO mean? Low-Frequency Oscillator. LFO stands for Low-Frequency Oscillator, an LFO is an oscillator typically below the range of human hearing, used as a modulation source to add vibrato, tremolo and other effects to sounds. LFO’s are mostly on synths.
Library Type: noun Pronunciation: /lieb-rare-ree/ What does Library mean? 1. A feature on DAWs with all of the stock sounds and processors. A collection of stock sounds and processors. 2. A collection of music. A library is a feature on DAWs with all of the stock sounds and processors. A library can also collection of […]
License Type: noun Pronunciation: /lie-sens/ Related: Licensor, Licensee, Blanket License What does License mean? 1. A legal permit. 2. To authorize a legal permit. A license is a legal permit or to authorize by legal permit. A license grants permission for one person or company to use or perform someone else’s song or instrumental track. […]
Licensee Type: noun Pronunciation: /lie-sen-see/ Related: License, Licensor What does Licensee mean? The person or entity to whom the work is licensed. ‘ A licensee is the person or entity to whom the work is licensed. The person or entity who wants the license, such as a TV show or feature film that licenses a […]
Licensor Type: noun Pronunciation: /lie-sen-sor/ Related: License, Licensee What does Licensor mean? The owner of the licensed work. Licensor is the owner of the licensed work. The songwriter or composer who created the song or track is usually the licensor. A publisher or entity who has acquired the rights to the song or composition can […]
Limiter Type: noun, effect Pronunciation: /lim-it-err/ What does Limiter mean? An effect that acts as a compressor at a ratio of ∞:1, no audio can pass the threshold. Limiter is an audio effect that compresses at a ratio of ∞:1, no audio can pass the threshold. The threshold is typically set to 0dB allowing no […]
Line Type: noun Pronunciation: /line/ What does Line mean? 1. Any physical channel that audio can pass through. 2. A line/sentence of lyric. Line is any physical channel that audio can pass through. For example, A line might refer to a microphone being used for recording. A line can also be used to refer to […]
LinnDrum Type: noun, equipment Pronunciation: /lin-drum/ Also spelled or known as: LM-2 What does LinnDrum mean? A vintage drum machine from/in the 80s. LinnDrum (also called and known as LM-2) is a vintage drum machine manufactured by Linn Electronics between 1982 and 1985. This Machine is responsible for the timbre of disco and related genres […]
Liquid DnB
Liquid DnB Type: noun, genre Pronunciation: /lick-wid-d-n-b/ What does Liquid DnB mean? A subgenre of DnB focused on pads and melodies. Liquid DnB is a subgenre of DnB focused on pads and melodies. Example sentence: “The producer released a liquid dnb album.”
Live Type: adjective Pronunciation: /lie-iv/ Related: Live Recording, Live Session, Live Room What does Live mean? 1. Happening in real time, opposite of previously recorded. 2. A term used to describe an act or performance in front of people in real time. Usually refers to when an artist plays a ‘live set’ instead of a […]
Live Recording
Live Recording Type: noun Pronunciation: /live-re-kord-in/ Also spelled or known as: Live-Recording Related: Live, Live Room, Live Session What does Live Recording mean? A recording session with all musicians are playing simultaneously with no overdubbing. A live recording is a recording session with all musicians are playing simultaneously with no overdubbing. Example sentence: “We are […]
Live Room
Live Room Type: noun Pronunciation: /live-room/ Also spelled or known as: Live-Room, The Live Room Related: Live Recording What does Live Room mean? A large or main room in the recording studio where most of the instrumentalists and/or vocalists perform. The Live Room is a large or main room in the recording studio where most […]
Live Session
Live Session Type: noun Pronunciation: /lie-iv-sesh-on/ Related: Live Recording, Live, Live Room, Session What does Live Session mean? A musical jam or a recording session happening in real time, opposite of previously recorded. A live session is a musical jam or a recording session happening in real time, opposite of previously recorded. Example sentence: “Let’s […]
LLC Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /l-l-c/ Also spelled: L.L.C, L-L-C What does LLC mean? Limited Liability Company. Example sentence: “They had to create an LLC for their record label.”
LM-2 Type: noun, equipment Pronunciation: /L-M-2/ Also spelled or known as: LinnDrum What does LM-2 mean? A vintage drum machine from/in the 80s. LM-2 (also called and known as LinnDrum) is a vintage drum machine manufactured by Linn Electronics between 1982 and 1985. This Machine is responsible for the timbre of disco and related genres […]
Lo-Fi Type: noun Pronunciation: /lo-fi/ Also spelled or known as: Lo Fi, LoFi, Low-Fi, LowFi Related: Hi-Fi, Fidelity What does Lo-Fi mean? Low-Fidelity; low quality audio, in terms of bitrate/sample rate. Lo-Fi (also known as Low Fidelity) means low quality audio, in terms of bitrate/sample rate. Lo-Fi synonyms: Low-Fidelity Example sentence: “I enjoy listening to […]
Logic Pro
Logic Pro Type: noun, DAW Pronunciation: /loj-ick-pro/ Also spelled or known as: Logic, LogicPro, Logic-Pro What does Logic Pro mean? A popular DAW by Apple. Logic Pro is available on macOS only. Other DAWS: Pro Tools, Ableton Live (Ableton), GarageBand, Bitwig Studio, FL Studio, Cubase/Nuendo, Reaper, Audacity Example sentence: “We made this in 10 minutes […]
Loop Type: noun Pronunciation: /loop/ Plural: Loops Related: Looping, Loop Pack What does Loop mean? 1. A repeating sound or instrumental. 2. To repeat a sound or instrumental. Loop synonyms: Sample Example sentence: “I just emailed you the loop we picked.”
Loop Pack
Loop Pack Type: noun Pronunciation: /loop-pack/ Related: Loop, Loops, Sample Pack What does Loop Pack mean? A folder of loops and samples grouped together. A Loop pack is a folder of loops and samples grouped together. They usually contain many different loops and different kinds of samples. Loop Pack synonyms: Sample Pack, Loops Example sentence: […]
Looper Type: noun, device Pronunciation: /loop-err/ Related: Loop, Looping, Loop Petal, Looper Petal What does Looper mean? A device for looping audio at a specific time interval. Looper is a device for looping audio at a specific time interval and playing it back in real time. A looper can be used in a live performance. […]
Low-End Type: noun Pronunciation: /low-end/ Also spelled or known as: Low End, LowEnd Related: Lows What does Low-End mean? The lower range of audio frequencies between 60Hz-250Hz. A reference value. Low-End is also known as the bass, the lower frequencies in a sound – typically from ~60Hz to ~250Hz. Usually meant in the context of […]
Low-Fi Type: noun Pronunciation: /lo-fi/ Also spelled or known as: Lo Fi, LoFi, Lo-Fi, LowFi Related: Hi-Fi, Fidelity What does Low-Fi mean? Low-Fidelity; low quality audio, in terms of bitrate/sample rate. Low-Fi (also known as Low Fidelity) means low quality audio, in terms of bitrate/sample rate. Low-Fi synonyms: Low-Fidelity Example sentence: “I love listening to […]
Lows Type: noun Pronunciation: /lows/ Related: Low-End What does Lows mean? The lower range of audio frequencies between 60Hz-250Hz. A reference value. Lows are also known as the bass, the lower frequencies in a sound – typically from ~60Hz to ~250Hz. Usually meant in the context of “highs, mids and lows” in an audio signal. […]
LP Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /l-p/ Also spelled: L.P, L-P Similar to LP: EP What does LP mean? Long play or long playing. Example sentence: “We just dropped the LP, have you heard it?”
Lyre Type: noun Pronunciation: /lyer/ What does Lyre mean? An ancient U-shaped harp-like string instrument. Lyre is an ancient U-shaped harp-like string instrument. Example sentence: “The lyre was auctioned.”
Mashup Type: noun Pronunciation: /mash-up/ Also spelled or known as: Mash-up, Mash up What does Mashup mean? A combination of two or more tracks blended together to create a new track. A mashup is a combination of two or more tracks blended together to create a new track. A mashup usually has similar tempos and […]
Master Type: noun Pronunciation: /mas-ter/ Related: Mastering, Masters What does Master mean? 1. The original recording(s). 2. To prepare a recording for release and mass distribution, whether to be sold physically or digitally. To master is to prepare a track for release and mass distribution by standardising the mixed track’s loudness, mastering makes sure the […]
Mastering Type: noun Pronunciation: /mas-ter-rin/ Related: Master, Masters What does Mastering mean? The preparation of a recording for release and mass distribution, whether to be sold physically or digitally. Mastering is the process of preparing a track for release and mass distribution by standardising the mixed track’s loudness, mastering makes sure the music sounds consistent […]
MC Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /m-c/ Also spelled: M.C, Emcee What does MC mean? Master of Ceremonies or Mic Controller. MC synonym: Emcee Example sentence: “We need a good MC at the show.”
Measure Type: noun Pronunciation: /mesh-err/ What does Measure mean? A specific length of time of a specific number of beats played at a particular tempo. Measure is a specific length of time of a specific number of beats played at a particular tempo. Measure synonyms: Bar Example sentence: “What is the measure on it?”
Mechanical Rights
Mechanical Rights Type: noun Pronunciation: /mek-ah-nik-all-rights/ Also spelled or known as: Mechanical-Rights Related: Rights, Mechanical Royalties What does Mechanical Rights mean? Rights allowing a musical piece or work (song) to be legally reproduced onto different mediums like CDs, tapes, streaming, Mp3 players, etc. Mechanical Rights are rights given, allowing a musical piece or work (song) […]
Mechanical Royalties
Mechanical Royalties Type: noun Pronunciation: /mek-ah-nik-all-ro-yal-tees/ Related: Rights, Royalties, Mechanical Rights, Mechanical Royalty Also spelled or known as: Mechanical-Royalties Singular: Mechanical Royalty What does Mechanical Royalties mean? Income paid to an artist, songwriter, or publisher when their mechanical rights are used. Mechanical Royalties are payments from a record company to a songwriter or publisher when […]
Metronome Type: noun Pronunciation: /meh-tro-nin/ What does Metronome mean? A device (usually found in DAWs) that audibly reproduces a set tempo, by playing a set of timed clicks. A metronome is a device (usually found in DAWs) that audibly reproduces a set tempo, by playing a set of timed clicks. Metronome synonyms: Tempo Example sentence: […]