1 4 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

A (Note)

A (Note) Type: noun, musical note Pronunciation: /a-note/ Also spelled or known as: A, A-note, A note What does A (Note) mean? A musical note. More musical notes: D (Note), B (Note), C (Note), E (Note), F (Note) Example sentence: “Can you sing this in an A note.”


A.D.S.R. Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /a-d-s-r/ Also spelled or known as: ADSR, A-D-S-R Related: Attack, Sustain, Decay, Release What does A.D.S.R. mean? Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release; envelope commonly used to shape a wave form. ADSR – Attack, Decay, Sustain and Release are the four stages of an envelope that describe the shape of a sound […]


A/D Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /a-d/ What does A/D mean? Analogue to Digital Converter. A/D stands for Analogue to Digital Converter. A/D is typically found in most audio interfaces. Example sentence: “I’m sure that interface has an A/D.”


A&R Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /a-and-r/ Also spelled: A R, A and R Plural: A&R’s What does A&R mean? Artists and repertoire. Example sentence: “The label assigned the artist a new a&r.”


AAC Type: noun, acronym, file type Pronunciation: /a-a-c/ Also spelled or known as: A.A.C, A-A-C What does AAC mean? A lossy audio file format created by Apple. AAC is a lossy audio file format created by Apple with a slightly better compression algorithm than MP3 for quality. More formats by Apple: AIFF Example sentence: “I […]


AAX Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /a-a-x/ Also spelled or known as: A.A.X, A-A-X What does AAX mean? Avid Audio eXtension. AAX (Avid Audio eXtension) is a plugin format popular among engineers and native to Avid Pro Tools only. Example sentence: “The plugin is a AAX file.”


Ableton Type: noun, DAW, company, software Pronunciation: /abe-ull-tin-live/ Also spelled or known as: Ableton, AbletonLive, Ableton-Live What does Ableton mean? The company behind Ableton Live, a popular DAW created by Ableton. More DAWs: Logic Pro, FL Studio, GarageBand, Pro Tools, Cubase/Nuendo, Audacity Example sentence: “I make beats on Ableton live.”

Ableton Live

Ableton Live Type: noun, DAW, software Pronunciation: /abe-ull-tin-live/ Also spelled or known as: Ableton, AbletonLive, Ableton-Live What does Ableton Live mean? A popular DAW created by Ableton. Ableton Live is great for production, live experiences, and scenarios. More DAWs: Logic Pro, FL Studio, GarageBand, Pro Tools, Cubase/Nuendo, Audacity, Ableton Example sentence: “I make beats on […]


AC Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /a-c/ Also spelled or known as: A.C, A-C Related: Alternating Current What does AC mean? Alternating Current; an analog electrical current used to power hardware. AC (also known and stands for “Alternating Current”) is an analog electrical current used to power hardware. ‘Alternating’ refers to the sine wave shape of […]


Acapella Type: noun Pronunciation: /ah-ka-pell-ah/ Plural: Acapellas What does Acapella mean? A vocal, just vocals without a beat or instrumental. Acapella is a vocal, just vocals without a beat or instrumental. Acapellas are used in remixes, bootlegs, sampled in originals, DJ sets, etc. Example sentence: “I’m going to release an Acapella version too.”

Acoustic Instrument

Acoustic Instrument Type: noun, equipment Pronunciation: /ah-cous-tik-in-stru-ment/ Also spelled or known as: Acoustic-Instrument Related: Acoustic, Acoustically Treated, Acoustic Treatment What does Acoustic Instrument mean? An instrument that produces sound in real life without digital or analog technology. Acoustic Instrument is an instrument that produces sound in real life without digital or analog technology. An Acoustic […]

Acoustic Treatment

Acoustic Treatment Type: noun Pronunciation: /ah-cous-tik-treat-ment/ Also spelled or known as: Acoustic-Treatment Related: Acoustic, Acoustically Treated, Acoustic Instrument What does Acoustic Treatment mean? The process of using foam, bass traps, and other dampening materials to make acoustic more accurate in specific areas of recording spaces. Acoustic Treatment is the process of using foam, bass traps, […]


Acoustics Type: noun Pronunciation: /ah-kous-stiks/ Singular: Acoustic What does Acoustics mean? The sonic properties of any space that alters the quality of a sound being played. Acoustics is the sonic properties of any space that alters the quality of a sound being played. Example sentence: “This room has a lot of acoustics that help recording.”


Active Type: noun Pronunciation: /act-tive/ Opposite: Passive What does Active mean? A device with its own built-in power amplifier. Active is used to describe a device with its own built-in power amplifier. The opposite of a passive device. Most recording studios monitors are active. Example sentence: “He was designing an active speaker.”

Additive Synthesis

Additive Synthesis Type: noun, technique Pronunciation: /ad-e-tive-sin-tha-sis/ Also spelled or known as: Additive-Synthesis What does Additive Synthesis mean? A form of audio synthesis that outputs sound by mathematically combining harmonics (sine waves) with independently variable frequencies and amplitudes. Example sentence: “Additive Synthesis is a technique.“


ADSR Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /a-d-s-r/ Also spelled or known as: A.D.S.R., A-D-S-R Related: Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release What does ADSR mean? Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release; envelope commonly used to shape a wave form. ADSR – Attack, Decay, Sustain and Release are the four stages of an envelope that describe the shape of a sound […]


ADT Type: noun, acronym, effects Pronunciation: /A-D-T/ Also spelled or known as: A-D-T, A.D.T, A D T Related: Automatic double-tracking What does ADT mean? Automatic double-tracking; ADT imitates the effect of doubling voices or instruments using double tracking, without the need for the musician to overdub. ADT stands for Automatic double-tracking. Example sentence: “I’ll just […]


Advance Type: noun Pronunciation: /ad-vans/ What does Advance mean? Money paid to an artist or songwriter before the recording or release of a song or recorded work. An advance is a record deal is money paid to an artist or songwriter before the recording or release of a song or recorded work. Example sentence: “When […]


Aftertouch Type: noun Pronunciation: /aff-ter-tawch/ Also spelled or known as: After-Touch, After Touch What does Aftertouch mean? A MIDI parameter on most keyboards. Pressure applied to the keyboard key. Aftertouch is a MIDI parameter on most MIDI keyboards that refer to the pressure applied to the keyboard key.


AIFF Type: noun, acronym, file format Pronunciation: /a-i-f-f/ Also spelled or known as: A.I.F.F., A-I-F-F Related: AAC What does AIFF mean? Audio Interchange File Format. AIFF is a high-quality audio file format created by Apple. More file formats: AAC, WAV, WAVE, MP3 Example sentence: “I just bounced the AIFF file.”


Aircheck Type: noun Pronunciation: /air-check/ Also spelled or known as: Air-Check, Air Check Related: On Air What does Aircheck mean? A recording made of a radio broadcast or TV show. Air Check is a recording made of a radio broadcast or TV show. Aircheck synonyms: Track, Recording Example sentence: “I was just listening to yesterday’s […]


Aliasing Type: noun Pronunciation: /a-lia-sion/ What does Aliasing mean? A subtle distortion that occurs in the digital realm when the input frequency is higher than the sample rate. Aliasing is a subtle distortion that occurs in the digital realm when the input frequency is higher than the sample rate. Example sentence: “That subtle distortion is […]

Alternating Current

Alternating Current Type: noun Pronunciation: /alt-er-nate-in-caw-rent/ Also spelled or known as: Alternating-Current, AC Related: AC What does Alternating Current mean? An analog electrical current used to power hardware. Alternating Current (also known as “AC”) is an analog electrical current used to power hardware. ‘Alternating’ refers to the sine wave shape of the current. Alternating Current […]


Alto Type: noun, adjective Pronunciation: /al-toe/ Related: Tenor, Baritone, Countertenor What does Alto mean? High; the highest natural adult male singing voice; someone with this singing voice. Alto means high; the highest natural adult male singing voice; someone with this singing voice. Example sentence: “He can sing really well in alto.”


Ambiance Type: noun Pronunciation: /am-bians/ Also spelled or known as: Ambience Related: Ambient What does Ambiance mean? 1. A sound creating a sense of space or atmosphere. 2. The mood, character and atmosphere of a place or sound. Ambiance is a sound creating a sense of space or atmosphere. Ambience can also mean the mood, […]


Ambient Type: noun, genre Pronunciation: /am-bee-ent/ Related: Ambiance What does Ambient mean? A genre of music typically with no drums but includes drawn-out drones and pads. Ambient is a genre of music typically with no drums but includes drawn-out drones and pads. More Genres: Rap, Hip-Hop, Pop, RnB/R&B, EDM, House, Jazz, Rock, Country, Alternative, K-Pop, Dance, Chill, J-Pop, […]

Amen Break

Amen Break Type: noun Pronunciation: /ay-men-break/ Also spelled or known as: Amen-Break What does Amen Break mean? One of the most sampled drum breaks of all time originating from Amen, Brother by The Winstons. Amen Break is one of the most sampled drum breaks/patterns of all time originating from Amen, Brother by The Winstons in […]


Amp Type: noun, equipment Pronunciation: /ahmp/ Also spelled or known as: Amplifier Related: Amplifier What does Amp mean? A device that makes an electronic signal stronger, most often used to increase the volume or power of musical instruments. Amp synonyms: Amplifier Example sentence: “I bought an Amp in case we need it for the session.”


Amplifier Type: noun, equipment Pronunciation: /amp-lee-fy-err/ Also spelled or known as: Amp Related: Amp What does Amplifier mean? A device that makes an electronic signal stronger, most often used to increase the volume or power of musical instruments. Amplifier synonyms: Amp Example sentence: “I’m going to plug this into the amplifier.”


Amplitude Type: noun Pronunciation: /amp-lee-tude/ What does Amplitude mean? The loudness or height of a waveform. Amplitude is the loudness or height of a waveform. The higher the height of the waveform, the louder it is, the lower the quieter it is. An amplitude of 0 (or -∞dB) means silence. Amplitude synonyms: dB, Decibel Example […]


Analog Type: noun Pronunciation: /ana-log/ Also spelled or known as: Analogue What does Analog mean? Audio technology that doesn’t use any digital components. Example sentence: “Tonight we are recording all analog.”


Arp Type: noun Pronunciation: /arp/ Related: Arpeggio What does Arp mean? A chord played in a series of repeating steps instead of simultaneously. Arp (also known as “Arpeggio”) is a chord played in a series of repeating steps instead of simultaneously. Arp synonym: Arpeggio Example sentence: “We used an arp to create a motif.”


Arpeggiator Type: noun, effect Pronunciation: /ar-peg-gia-tor/ What does Arpeggiator mean? A MIDI effect that turns a static chord into an arpeggio. Arpeggiator is a MIDI effect that turns a static chord into an arpeggio.


Arpeggio Type: noun Pronunciation: /ar-peh-geo/ Related: Arp What does Arpeggio mean? A chord played in a series of repeating steps instead of simultaneously. Arpeggio (also known as “Arp”) is a chord played in a series of repeating steps instead of simultaneously. Arpeggio synonym: Arp Example sentence: “You can use the Arpeggio to spread out a […]


Arrangement Type: noun Pronunciation: /ah-range-ment/ What does Arrangement mean? The way a song is arranged, the way sections and instruments are laid out in a track/song. Arrangement is the way a song is arranged, the way sections and instruments are laid out in a track/song. Arrangement is usually referred to as Structure and Instrumentation. Arrangement […]


Artist Type: noun Pronunciation: /art-ist/ Plural: Artists Related: Recording Artist What does Artist mean? Someone who creates music and releases it. An artist is someone who creates music and releases it. An artist can be a musician, rapper, songwriter, vocalist, or more. Artist synonyms: Recording Artist, Musician, Rapper, Songwriter, Vocalist, Lyricist, Spitta Example sentence: “The […]


Arturia Type: noun, company Pronunciation: /ar-tu-ria/ What does Arturia mean? A hardware and software manufacturer that created a lot of analog and analog-modeled equipment. Arturia is a hardware and software manufacturer that created a lot of analog and analog-modeled equipment. Arturia created the V Collection, a collection of synths modeling famous analog synthesizers.


ASCAP (A.S.C.A.P) Type: noun, performing rights organization Pronunciation: /as-cap/ Also spelled or known as: A.S.C.A.P What does ASCAP mean? The American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers. ASCAP (also known as A.S.C.A.P) stands for The American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers. ASCAP (also known as A.S.C.A.P) stands for The American Society of Composers, Authors […]


Assignment Type: noun Pronunciation: /as-ain-ment/ What does Assignment mean? The transfer of the rights of a song or catalog from one copyright holder to another. An assignment is the transfer of the rights of a song or catalog from one copyright holder to another. Example sentence: “Make sure you read the assignment part of your […]


Atmosphere Type: noun, effect Pronunciation: /at-mos-fair/ Related: Atmospheric What does Atmosphere mean? A sonic effect created by adding reverb. Atmosphere is a sonic effect created by adding reverb. Atmosphere is typically known as the background of a record and creates a feeling. Example sentence: “I like the Atmosphere effect you added.”


Attack Type: noun Pronunciation: /ah-tak/ Plural: Attacks Related: A.D.S.R., ADSR What does Attack mean? 1. The very beginning of a sound. 2. The amount of time it takes after a sound begins for a sound processor to begin working. Typically measured in milliseconds (ms). Example sentence: “Let’s move the attack two seconds ahead..” ADSR – […]


Attenuation Type: noun Pronunciation: /ah-ten-nu-ation/ What does Attenuation mean? The lowering of the loudness of a signal. Attenuation is the lowering of the loudness of a signal, attenuation is measured in decibels (dB). The attenuation knob on a device or a plugin is used to reduce increased loudness that can be created by other effects, […]


AU Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /a-u/ Also spelled or known as: A.U., A-U What does AU mean? Audio Unit, a plugin format created by Apple. Audio Unit is compatible with macOS only. Example sentence: “The plugin is in AU.”


Audacity Type: noun, company, DAW, software Pronunciation: /aw-dah-sit-e/ What does Audacity mean? Audacity is an audio editor used to edit audio. Audacity is used to create music but doesn’t have to functionalities of a DAW like Ableton, FL Studio or Logic Pro. Audacity is available on Windows and macOS. More DAWs: Logic Pro, FL Studio, […]


Audio Type: noun Pronunciation: /aw-deo/ What does Audio mean? Sounds heard in the range of human hearing (~20Hz-20000Hz) or a recording of a sound. Audio is sounds heard in the range of human hearing (~20Hz-20000Hz). Audio is a recording of a sound. Audio synonyms: Track Example sentence: “I’m not receiving any audio from the mic.”

Audio Effect

Audio Effect Type: noun Pronunciation: /aww-deo-e-fekt/ Also spelled or known as: Audio-Effect Plural: Audio Effects What does Audio Effect mean? Any effect, plugin, processor, or gear that alters the sonic properties of a sound. Audio Effect is any effect, plugin, processor, or gear that alters the sonic properties of a sound. Audio Effect is any […]

Audio Engineer

Audio Engineer Type: noun Pronunciation: /aww-dio-en-jin-neer/ Related: Sound Engineer, Recording Engineer, Engineer, Audio Engineering Plural: Audio Engineers What does Audio Engineer mean? Someone who records, mixes, or masters audio. An audio engineer records, mixes, or masters audio, they usually work in a recording studio or live concert setting. Audio Engineer synonyms: Sound Engineer, Recording Engineer, Engineer Example […]

Audio Engineering

Audio Engineering Type: noun, verb Pronunciation: /aww-dio-en-jin-neer-ing/ Also spelled or known as: Audio-Engineering, Audio Engineerin’ Related: Sound Engineering, Recording Engineering, Engineering What does Audio Engineering mean? To be recording, mixing, or mastering audio. An audio engineer records, mixes, or masters audio, they usually work in a recording studio or live concert setting. Audio Engineering synonyms: […]

Audio Interface

Audio Interface Type: noun Pronunciation: /aww-dio-in-ter-face/ Related: Interface What does Audio Interface mean? A hardware that can receive and output audio. An Audio Interface (also known as “Interface”) is a piece of hardware that can receive audio as an input and also output audio. An interface helps a human interact with a computer or other […]

Audio Track

Audio Track Type: noun Pronunciation: /aww-dio-trak/ Related: Audio, Tracking, Track What does Audio Track mean? 1. A single audio channel. 2. A full song or recorded sound. 3. A track that stores and plays audio. An audio track can either mean a singular audio channel in the production process, a track that stores and plays […]


Author Type: noun Pronunciation: /aww-thor/ Plural: Authors Related: Authorship What does Author mean? The creator of a work that can be copyrighted. An author is the creator of a work that can be copyrighted. Author synonyms: Composer, Writer, Singer, Songwriter, Creator Example sentence: “He is the author of the piece.”


Automation Type: noun Pronunciation: /aww-toe-mae-tion/ What does Automation mean? The modulation of a parameter over time. Automation is the modulation of a parameter over time, like a filter sweep or volume change.

Aux Channel

Aux Channel Type: noun Pronunciation: /ox-chan-nel/ Also spelled or known as: Aux-Channel Plural: Aux Channels What does Aux Channel mean? A send or return channel for additional parallel processing of multiple sources at once. Aux Channel is a send or return channel for additional parallel processing of multiple sources at once. Example sentence: “Which aux […]


Avid Type: noun, company Pronunciation: /ah-vid/ Also spelled or known as: Avid Audio Related: Pro Tools What does Avid mean? The creators of Pro Tools. Avid is the name of the company that created and is behind the DAW Pro Tools. Avid Creations: Pro Tools Example sentence: “Avid did a great job creating Pro Tools.”