Band Pass Filter
Band Pass Filter Type: noun Pronunciation: /band-pass-fil-ter/ Also spelled or known as: BandPassFilter, Band-Pass-Filter What does Band Pass Filter mean? A type of filter that acts as both a low-pass and a high-pass, and only allows a narrow range of frequencies through. Band Pass Filter is a type of filter that acts as both a […]
Band Reject Filter
Band Reject Filter Type: noun, processor Pronunciation: /band-ree-jekt-fil-ter/ Also spelled or known as: Band-Reject Filter, BandReject Filter Related: Notch Filter, Band Stop Filter What does Band Reject Filter mean? A filter that removes frequencies in a specified band within the overall frequency spectrum. A Band Reject Filter (also known as a Notch Filter or Band […]
Band Stop Filter
Band Stop Filter Type: noun Pronunciation: /band-stop-fil-ter/ Also spelled or known as: Band-Stop Filter, BandStop Filter Related: Notch Filter, Band Reject Filter What does Band Stop Filter mean? A filter that removes frequencies in a specified band within the overall frequency spectrum. Band Stop Filter (also known as a Notch Filter or Band Reject Filter) […]
Bandwidth Type: noun Pronunciation: /band-with/ Also spelled or known as: Band-Width Related: Audio bandwidth, Critical bandwidth What does Bandwidth mean? The range of frequencies in an audio signal. Bandwidth is the range of frequencies in an audio signal. Example sentence: “The range of frequencies in an audio signal is known as bandwidth.”