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Balance Type: noun Pronunciation: /bal-ans/ Also spelled or known as: Tonal balance What does Balance mean? The relative level of two or more sounds, voices, instruments, etc. Balance is the relative level of two or more sounds, voices, instruments, etc. Balance is important in audio because it levels out the different volumes in music so […]

Band Pass Filter

Band Pass Filter Type: noun Pronunciation: /band-pass-fil-ter/ Also spelled or known as: BandPassFilter, Band-Pass-Filter What does Band Pass Filter mean? A type of filter that acts as both a low-pass and a high-pass, and only allows a narrow range of frequencies through. Band Pass Filter is a type of filter that acts as both a […]

Band Reject Filter

Band Reject Filter Type: noun, processor Pronunciation: /band-ree-jekt-fil-ter/ Also spelled or known as: Band-Reject Filter, BandReject Filter Related: Notch Filter, Band Stop Filter What does Band Reject Filter mean? A filter that removes frequencies in a specified band within the overall frequency spectrum. A Band Reject Filter (also known as a Notch Filter or Band […]

Band Stop Filter

Band Stop Filter Type: noun Pronunciation: /band-stop-fil-ter/ Also spelled or known as: Band-Stop Filter, BandStop Filter Related: Notch Filter, Band Reject Filter What does Band Stop Filter mean? A filter that removes frequencies in a specified band within the overall frequency spectrum. Band Stop Filter (also known as a Notch Filter or Band Reject Filter) […]


Bandwidth Type: noun Pronunciation: /band-with/ Also spelled or known as: Band-Width Related: Audio bandwidth, Critical bandwidth What does Bandwidth mean? The range of frequencies in an audio signal. Bandwidth is the range of frequencies in an audio signal. Example sentence: “The range of frequencies in an audio signal is known as bandwidth.”


Bank Type: noun Pronunciation: /baink/ Also spelled or known as: Soundbank What does Bank mean? A group of presets that can be loaded onto a synth. A Bank (also known as a “Soundbank”) is a group of presets that can be loaded onto a synth. Bank synonyms: Soundbank Example sentence: “I’m making some changes to […]


Bar Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /bar/ Plural: Bars What does Bar mean? A line in a song. A bar is a line in a song, a bar can also be used as slang for lines that are really clever. Multiple clever lines on a rap song are usually referred to as “bars”. Example sentence: “I’m […]


Bars Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /bars/ Singular: Bar What does Bars mean? Lines in a song. Bars are lines in a song, a bar can also be used as slang for lines that are really clever. Multiple clever lines on a rap song are usually referred to as “bars”. Example sentence: “How many bars was […]


Bass Type: noun Pronunciation: /bace/ Opposite: Treble What does Bass mean? The lower range of audio frequencies between 60Hz-250Hz. A reference value. Bass is the lower frequencies in a sound – typically from ~60Hz to ~250Hz. Bass Synonyms: Lows, Low end, Sub-bass Example sentence: “Turn up the bass it sounds good.”

Bass Music

Bass Music Type: noun, genre Pronunciation: /bass-mu-sik/ Also spelled or known as: Bass-Music Related: Bass What does Bass Music mean? A category of EDM music that features low and deep sound. Bass Music is a category of EDM music that features low and deep sound. Bass Music genre includes dubstep, trap, bass house, drum and […]


Bassline Type: noun Pronunciation: /bass-line/ Also spelled or known as: Bass-Line, Bass Line Related: Bass What does Bassline mean? The notes pattern filling up the bass/low frequency area of the frequency spectrum. Bassline is the notes pattern filling up the bass/low frequency area of the frequency spectrum. The bass has a low frequency. A bassline […]