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Aliasing Type: noun Pronunciation: /a-lia-sion/ What does Aliasing mean? A subtle distortion that occurs in the digital realm when the input frequency is higher than the sample rate. Aliasing is a subtle distortion that occurs in the digital realm when the input frequency is higher than the sample rate. Example sentence: “That subtle distortion is […]

Alternating Current

Alternating Current Type: noun Pronunciation: /alt-er-nate-in-caw-rent/ Also spelled or known as: Alternating-Current, AC Related: AC What does Alternating Current mean? An analog electrical current used to power hardware. Alternating Current (also known as “AC”) is an analog electrical current used to power hardware. ‘Alternating’ refers to the sine wave shape of the current. Alternating Current […]


Alto Type: noun, adjective Pronunciation: /al-toe/ Related: Tenor, Baritone, Countertenor What does Alto mean? High; the highest natural adult male singing voice; someone with this singing voice. Alto means high; the highest natural adult male singing voice; someone with this singing voice. Example sentence: “He can sing really well in alto.”