Digital Audio Workstation
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /dee-jee-tal-aww-deo-work-stay-tion/
Plural: Digital Audio Workstations
Also spelled or known as: DAW
What does Digital Audio Workstation mean? A software program that allows artists, producers, sound engineers, and other audio professionals to record, edit, and mix audio files.
A Digital Audio Workstation (also known as a “DAW”) is a software program that allows artists, producers, sound engineers, and other audio professionals to record, edit, and mix audio files.
Popular Digital Audio Workstations: Logic Pro, FL Studio, GarageBand, Ableton Live, Pro Tools, Cubase/Nuendo, Bitwig Studio
Digital Audio Workstation synonyms: DAW, Program
Example sentence: “Ableton was his favorite Digital Audio Workstation.”