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Atmosphere Type: noun, effect Pronunciation: /at-mos-fair/ Related: Atmospheric What does Atmosphere mean? A sonic effect created by adding reverb. Atmosphere is a sonic effect created by adding reverb. Atmosphere is typically known as the background of a record and creates a feeling. Example sentence: “I like the Atmosphere effect you added.”


Attack Type: noun Pronunciation: /ah-tak/ Plural: Attacks Related: A.D.S.R., ADSR What does Attack mean? 1. The very beginning of a sound. 2. The amount of time it takes after a sound begins for a sound processor to begin working. Typically measured in milliseconds (ms). Example sentence: “Let’s move the attack two seconds ahead..” ADSR – […]


Attenuation Type: noun Pronunciation: /ah-ten-nu-ation/ What does Attenuation mean? The lowering of the loudness of a signal. Attenuation is the lowering of the loudness of a signal, attenuation is measured in decibels (dB). The attenuation knob on a device or a plugin is used to reduce increased loudness that can be created by other effects, […]